
beats light blueIT father female on industry experts say no according to heat transfer - working lif

In 2012,the year of the Dragon birth peak coming in Shanghai alone ,180000 couplesin preparation for the dragon gives birth to son .There is little not IT father figure, at the same time ,all kinds of rumors spread in IT ring ,IT engineer father daughter ,engage in communication of father daughter daughter ,software engineering students .
.. ... This view is actually not reliable ?IT dads baby dragon is actually the dragons or IT industry Helen of Troy ?The boy or girl in almost every visited IT industry expresses to the reporter ,heard of the various IT industry married men easily gives birth to a daughter version and the version, which engaged in communication and the high frequency wireless work gives birth to a daughter of highest probability ,in order to verify these claims, the reporter visited the IT industry within the occupation of the father ,had an atypical ,small sample survey ,listen to these people come to his .
Look for me is a girl Liang Cheng Occupation :base station engineer Liang Cheng in Shanghai a large communications equipment company office, practitioners over the past ten years has been around in all parts of the country ,as carriers of erecting the wireless communication base station .
Cheng Liang said ,since he graduated from the university into the company at that time ,although not married, but have heard of their line to a daughter . Although no scientific basis ,but we here almost everyone knows ,also believe this .
Liang Cheng frustration : have received higher education, not the letter &rsquo ,&lsquo ;evil ;but the facts before us ,our department for nearly 30people,almost all male colleagues ,look to the past ,is a daughter ,the probability of exceeding 80%.
Take me for example ,in 2010, some children ,wife was still pregnant when I take a girl name ,unexpectedly, really use !Liang Cheng said ,on the matter ,he also worked with the exchanges with the industry [url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/monster-beats-studio-high-definition-powered-isolationlight-blue-p-223.html]beats light blue[/url]


, is also more daughters, at least seven or eight into probability .
Our son Lingling Occupation :IDC managers Lingling is a girl ,but she is with more than twenty male colleagues ,all facing the huge ,a IDC server .Lingling told reporters :well ,although I also heard the work room to give birth to a daughter ,but here, popular to give birth to a son, I don IDC or engine room work together, at least I tell my experience in the work room ,and the sex of the fetus has nothing to do .
Does a daughter Laojun Occupation :a communication army officer before retiring from military service in the air force ,the army said communication ,communication radio on the birth gender effects ,Laojun say :from a scientific perspective, it is groundless !I gave birth to a son and a daughter !but the admit ,their troops do girls more .
Laojun said ,he used the higher rank ,it is cadre ,and communication equipment and large antenna direct contact is not too much ,said communication equipment the effects of radiation, also is the day and antenna equipment dealing with the soldiers ,but the soldiers are mostly singles ,also did not upgrade to do dad .
In addition ,Laojun said he had heard some company all daughters rumors ,but seeing is believing ,you have seen all the . Hardware department daughter Yu Bo Occupation :mobile phone hardware engineer other industry says no ,but mobile phone design company ,I spent several .
To say a daughter about it ,really a bit strange .Yu Bo recalled ,early in the I have just started to work, his master had said to him, get high frequency radio ,surely gives birth to a daughter ,and that several of the company predecessors ,uniform gives birth to a daughter .
Yu Bo later went to the mobile phone design company ,has been engaged in hardware design ,often associate with antenna ,in his own words, radiation effect is a bit ,and now in the 3G,LTE ( 3.
9G) ,frequency and improve .Yu Bo said ,he did several units ,were found in a characteristic ,hardware R & D department more daughters, software development department is no rule ,do not know if there is no scientific basis ,but my experience is that ,I also gave birth to a daughter .
Now I don small pay Occupation :Software Engineer Software Engineer we also mad pass easily daughter thing .First ,I really for gospel truth .Xiao Fu said .But after his observation of period of time ,does not seem to legend so scary ,took his own unit, software department ,two department ,three of the more than 80 individuals ,branching colleagues there are plenty of people who ,peach has Li ,also a lot of boys ,now I don .
Medical experts :IT bound girl on it is sheer fiction. !For the IT or communication industry easily gives birth to a daughter ,circulating on the Internet such a theory :that regular exposure to radiation of the male lead ,vitality is not strong sperm chromosome Y death or decreased activity ,thereby improving the X chromosome with the egg creates opportunities for girls in particular .
To this, all the medical expert opinion is very uniform :it is sheer fiction. This is absolutely !Reproductive health research institute, Peking University Health Science Center professor Ren Aiguo in IT times reporter said ,electromagnetic radiation will give birth to her daughter have no scientific basis .
As for the part of base station equipment installation team ,team and group &lsquo Army Signal Corps ;uniform &rsquo ;a daughter ,sample size is relatively small ,it is difficult to serve as a universal survey results .
The reproductive health research institute does not specifically to do radiation and gender research ,and will mainly focus on radiation on reproductive function ,the impact on fetal health .
Ren Aiguo said .Shanghai Family Planning Institute of science of former director Gao Ersheng also expresses to the reporter ,from their point of view, the electromagnetic radiation on the boy or girl has no effect .
Shanghai Changning maternal and child health hospital Liu hotline to a doctor told reporters ,from a clinical perspective ,the boy or girl and direct exposure to electromagnetic radiation it doesn .
Although electromagnetic radiation can reduce sperm activity ,but the extent of impact ,the circle is also inconclusive .The first maternal and Child Health Hospital of an obstetrician said ,over the years ,she encountered a communication base station staff ,the boy or girl has .
May be a time or an area, there have been a girl or a boy more phenomena ,but will look from whole ,the proportion of boys and girls is not balanced ,mostly daughters of this phenomenon .
Experts suggest :dad should also wear radiation-proof clothes radiation environment monitoring station of Shanghai City senior engineer Zhu Zhongde told reporters ,communication industry he also encountered many ,some is a litter girl ,there is a group of boys in the final analysis ,is the number of samples not extensive, so there is no representative .
Radiation killing sperm ,leading to reduced sperm count ,quality drops ,the XY chromosome is &lsquo &rsquo ;make no exception ,does not favour one more than another .Zhu Zhongde said ,in specific work ,signal strength ,radiation levels for individual effects are different .
Say, debugging ,signal ,signal strength how to debug window strength also has a relationship ?.The actual cases ,the uncertainty of many .Ren Aiguo said ,although we cannot determine the boy or girl ,but the intense electromagnetic radiation on reproductive function in the presence of influence ,for men, may reduce sperm activity ,or even the loss of reproductive function ,and to the female character ,will increase the odds of having a miscarriage .
In a long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation staff ,adequate protection is necessary . As for the electromagnetic radiation effects on fertility ,are still doing research .Because the electromagnetic radiation has many types ,various conditions are not the same .
Gao Ersheng said .Shanghai Changning maternal and child health hospital doctors advice ,preparation for the birth of the child of the couple ,take corresponding measures against radiation is prudent .
Minimize to directly face the radiation time and frequency ,men can wear a radiation-proof clothes .Overseas experts :WiFi radiation may affect sperm activity of Argentina Cote d Transvaal ,settis Reproductive Medical Center researchers devised an experiment .
Researchers from 29 healthy men to obtain semen samples ,divided into two parts ,one is using the wireless network to download the file of the notebook computer ,another is placed away from the place of notebook computer .
After 4 hours, the researchers observed sperm in a semen sample activity .They found that ,on the notebook computer of semen samples, 1/4 ofsperm DNA damage no longer walk ,9%.Same temperature condition ,put away the notebook computer in semen samples, only 14% of the sperm cease activities ,3%DNA damage .
Research for manhole Lado ,Arvin Dani says ,causes this kind of situation is the arch-criminal electromagnetic radiation from wireless communication . Our data show ,being connected to a wireless network notebook on the male reproductive organs near ,can reduce sperm quality .
The researchers tested individually been opened but no wireless network connections of the notebook computer electromagnetic radiation ,found that the amount of radiation is negligible .The results of the experiments in the global IT practitioners ,caused not small echo .
However ,the United States of America male genitourinary Association head Robert Oates didn researchers in Argentina the results of this study .In his view ,the laptop will not have a significant effect on male reproductive ability .
Pay attention to IT dads health baby dragon is at present medium and office hot topic ,while engaged in IT occupation fathers become IT times object of attention .In fact ,IT bound female on would cause a temporary clamour ,believing or not ,it has become the IT ring ,communication within the circle of the secret be known to all .
In a well-known domestic communication forum of popular tags ,in addition to health ,travel ,3G,Huawei ,even daughter .At present, the medical profession of of resolutely refuted ,this lets many IT father fun many .
The only thing we can do ,is to believe in science .At the same time ,to remind the majority of IT and communication practitioners ,many industry experts recognized the fundamental types of electromagnetic radiation on fertility potential effects .
During the interview, a number of experts unanimously recommended ,prepare to want a child ,in the work of significant exposure to electromagnetic radiation of dads ,can also wear radiation-proof clothes .
Well ,we finally put on the boy or girl boring discuss ,for more exposure to radiation of the IT industry dads presents good advice ,whether male or female ,health is the key ,radiation
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