
UGG Online Henan 65 tons of used batteries remain unaccounted for ( Figure )

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At the same time, the reporter learned through other channels, from 1997 to the end of 2009, Xinzheng City of Industry, are not found in business scope and business projects with used batteries for business, the business sector did not Tyrone Co., Ltd. Henan any registration information.

Wang said that Bureau of Investigation team did not find the whereabouts of two trucks used batteries. In Xinzheng City of Industry, their access to the business registration file, but finding out there is disposal of used batteries within Xinzheng business. Then, they in turn look back Xinzheng Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau survey. Upon inquiry, the Council of files found: the end of 2002, a family named contact information call records and found that Wang Wei's phone has been shut down ×.

□ Ministry of Planning Feature Reporter He Hui Wen Figure

In fact, almost daily lives of people wrapped in colored battery, remote control, mobile phone, MP3, electric shavers, flashlights, computers, electronic watches, calculators, hearing aids, electric cars would have to battery. These cells are either mercury batteries, either alkaline batteries, or nickel-cadmium batteries, or nickel-metal hydride batteries, which contain lithium manganese or zinc, silver or lead-acid, these substances have on the environment and human health hazard.

open that store spent batteries was once a warehouse door, the old man pointed to the three room full of debris Leiqi pond, said: can see. can not afford loans, two reverted to the government on the factory hospital, and later how they are being used for storage of used batteries is not clear. Now this piece of furniture factory rented factory has more than four years time.

multi-faceted concerns of the media, in December 2002, Henan Province Environmental Protection Agency extended with two trucks pulled the battery Xinzheng disposal.

Ecological Park is Tian Guirong and his wife $ 600 per acre price of rent, the kinds of sweet potato, sesame, corn, millet had no fertilizer applied, are not contaminated.

Not long ago, I heard Henan Tian Chen Tian Guirong environmental companies can dispose of used batteries. Unexpectedly, she arrived with great expectations from Xinxiang, Zhengzhou, but disappointed.

Tian Guirong affected by the surrounding people, consciously recycling of used batteries has become a habit, Tian Guirong's doorstep and office floor, there is often a waste bags into the boxes into the battery. Unexpectedly, things are not so simple as she imagined.

look back eight years ago, Xinxiang Tian Guirong bankrupt people recover 65 tons of waste could not dispose of batteries by the media attention, she and her battery with nationally known. In the environmental protection department's efforts, waste of money to dispose of the battery is shipped Xinzheng.

Solid Waste Management Center of Henan Province, according to engineers, Lu Lei, in accordance with the deployment of national unity, in each province before the end of this year to build their own solid waste disposal center, Henan's first hazardous waste disposal center project had previously planned located in Luoyang, Henan Tianchen was given to environmental protection in the medical waste disposal more than 10 years of proven technology and experience, and is also actively declare, after a demonstration and after the change in the EIA Xinzheng. Strictly speaking, it is government investment, the state,

low field is a simple behind the cottage, which piled into bags of about 15 tons of waste batteries. She said, used batteries a week ago from the son and daughter over the transfer of residence.

so, improper disposal of batteries after use, what will our environment and lives what harm? Why is the recovery rate is extremely low? Government's attitude to the battery recycling? People but also for the collection of used batteries in what condition? See

relevant environmental authorities would like to know the whereabouts of the battery

Tianchen contact reporters and Henan, confirms this view. The company responsible for recycling and disposal of hazardous waste gold engineer, said: In the collection of solid waste disposal fee, the lowest in Henan, Hangzhou, recycling of used batteries price is 6000-8000 yuan per ton, in addition, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing are more than 5,000.

acre ecological park, was hailed as the Chinese United Nations Environment Programme,

a perennial in environmental and energy research scholars emotion, waste battery recycling and disposal, has never been an easy thing.

dispose of one ton battery

year , where the battery is actually sent, how disposed of, whether to the local environment caused by pollution, no one knows.

pay two thousand Oida too much

then known to the recovery of batteries, and now, how to dispose of these batteries still make her a headache.

a perennial in environmental and energy research scholars emotion, waste battery recycling and disposal, is never an easy thing.

According to Tian Guirong he recalled that when the batch of batteries away

holding company of Henan Tianchen environmental staff Jinzhan Wei business cards, Tian Guirong told reporters: Henan Tian Chen said she will receive the used batteries, but charge a 2000 yuan per ton disposal fee. She calculated that in order to put in the hands of 15 tons of waste batteries sent to Tianchen, she had to dig 30,000.

where leaders from Xinxiang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Tian Guirong that, for her these cells, the province (refer to Henan Province Environmental Protection Agency) to spend several hundred thousand dollars specifically built a new warehouse. Later, she learned the newspaper, the batch of batteries were pulled Xinzheng, the specific location that no one told her.

for environmental purposes, Tian Guirong Since 1999 recycling of used batteries at their own expense, she saved 65 tons of battery due to nowhere to be sent, as a mountain-like deposits in the son's new house, resulting in continued delay in the son of the wedding, their life extremely difficult.

traveled Xinxiang, Tian Guirong found that no one company can comply with her request.

8 26, two Director of the Office of Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Xinzheng to reporters about the investigation process and results.

When it was pulled 65 tons of used batteries after storage in Xinzheng, then disappeared.

correspondent is now in Henan Province Environmental Protection Bureau to monitor the Han Xiao Han worked at understanding the situation, she said, two trucks pulled the battery after a year on the handling of Xinzheng, and disposal of batteries that companies have been closed .

At the same time, a staggering figure also been confirmed here, Lu Lei. China is a battery-producing countries, but also the consumer, the domestic annual consumption growth rate of the battery capacity has exceeded 20%. According to experts estimate: China's annual per capita consumption in battery 6.6 20 (only), all of China consumes more than 400,000 coin cell battery, but the recovery is still at 2002 levels - less than 2%.

correspondent found a report that year: entitled social concern, environmental pioneer - Xinxiang City, Henan Province, Tian Guirong individual businesses recycling their own expense, 65 tons of waste batteries, finally has a new place ... According to Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau Wukong Han Xiao Han reports, these used batteries will be shipped to the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau invested several hundred thousand dollars in Xinzheng city built a temporary warehouse for temporary storage. is pending approval of the use of Henan, a waste project put into operation after the battery production, and then brought to the business process ...

Today, when a reporter tried to ascertain these methods of disposal of used batteries, only to discover that the battery missing. The Environmental Protection Volunteers Association has become the president of Xinxiang Tian Guirong, and she saved more than a dozen tons of used batteries, is still unable to dispose of.

Tian Guirong Van Son's husband has said he felt very strange, indeed Xinzheng storage sites, but ye can find out how they deal with do not come out.

Reporters look for these battery-free multi-fruit, which, Xinzheng Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau also surprised.

such as the moment of the 15 tons of battery, according to Tian Guirong say, she has worked with many Xinxiang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau contacted the other party are unable to dispose of refuse to receive. Still later, she began asking to receive and properly dispose of used batteries business, her so-called proper standard is,

Fan Xue Wei, deputy director of the council, said the global down eight years ago no one knew there was 65 tons of used batteries shipped to Xinzheng. Former Secretary also said that only heard what is going on, specific details unknown.

interview, the reporter was found to follow the Xinzheng City, Henan Province Environmental Protection Bureau Tyrone Co., Ltd. registered address. Teacher surnamed Mao told reporters that the doorman, and now the furniture factory, formerly known as months. As was gone, how to dispose of, the elderly called knowledge.

correspondent visited the center that solid waste management in Henan Province, Henan Tianchen environmental protection is approved by the State Council, the only company in Henan province-wide collection, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste company, has been Henan Development and Reform Commission approved, by charging licensing policy and enjoy tax-free items.

at the scene, reporters connect the furniture factory owner, the other not to be interviewed.

recent days, reporters search for related projects and multi-processing enterprise, without any results.

correspondent reported Tian Guirong deeds to people who had worked two paper media reporter approached, they all said, pulled the battery is no longer left to continue follow-up reports, the final disposition is not clear how.

220 million investment in the province's first hazardous waste treatment center will be operational by the end, By then, the province-wide, including used batteries, including hazardous solid waste will be safely disposed of.

According to Tian Guirong said she was last seen in 2003, used batteries, do not remember the specific time, in short, the weather was cold, she was wearing Spring and Autumn, CCTV should be Chi asked, and the crew of people together to do shows.

things are true, Xinzheng Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau would like to know the whereabouts of these batteries.

Director Wang told reporters that the investigation team in accordance with the address information to find the year of Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Henan Tyrone, and found that there was a furniture factory.

Tian Guirong wronged, said emotionally and economically unacceptable.

tends the crops of the Tian Guirong front face is be happy, but, subject to a turn on of used batteries immediately sadly.

now, Tian Guirong Xinxiang City environmental protection volunteers Association, the Association has a membership of Yu Wan. These years, she and members of the Association mainly do two things: First, commitment to students and farmers to promote environmental knowledge, the second theme is to protect the Mother River, Yellow River, foot inspection,UGG Online, Wei River, the communist drainage water pollution, for environmental pollution due to physical and mental damage to the village justice, and sewage companies face to face struggle. Recycling of used batteries account for only a small part of her daily work.

