
UGG Sale [ Sharon ] to learn the first six outstanding lecturer LD Amoy large share promotional mark

Sharon talked about home learning experience

Taobao University Outstanding Lecturer ushered in the Sunday night schedule to learn salon, excellent guest lecturer at the University of Taobao encountered confusion.
* Introduction *
guests excellent university lecturer
Taobao Taobao sellers
double crown TrustPass Alibaba Gold talked about home business experience
essence Posts 100%, thousands of popular, post 100% Home Show
05 years in school, out of curiosity opened a Taobao shop, the use of several hundred dollars in spending money now slowly developed into a set of store baby supplies retail, wholesale, as a whole, across the network and entity's comprehensive platform. Period, once engaged in the high-end real estate sales management, longer than the product positioning, employee training, dealing with difficult customers and high-end negotiations, and has accumulated rich experience.
08 年底 a full-time become Taobao business, 09 years to reach double crown of credit and become a lecturer in Taobao, online shop specializes in marketing, various types of negotiations, dealing with difficult customers such as the direction of the course, vision, analyze the problem from many angles.
hope to encourage each other with more students.
Sunday 7pm, we ushered in the scheduled sixth classroom learning salon, this salon is the LD teacher to share the theme of promoting the marketing of the Collection Cheats. Program has not yet started, the students gathered in drops on YY in wait in the teacher, so the atmosphere is respected Board experience, the students hope that this spirit will continue to flourish!
said to promote marketing, many students confused, in fact, the promotion is not the same with marketing, promotion is to let people know your store, click into your shop, the shop know to sell your home things. Marketing is what marketing is to let customers into the store after clicking in the store to buy your stuff, this is marketing. If we clear these two concepts, the management of the shop should be helpful.
us to think about, to buy things on Taobao customers, what kind of figure it can be divided into four categories: First, find affordable, up to buy cheap things; the second is the sake of convenience, you can buy homes to think of their baby; Third, seek novelty, these customers are more in a small city, because a lot of things not to buy in their own seat; Fourth, seek comfort, and some customers feel unhappy over consumer spending treat yourself, let its cool mood a little (the teacher's favorite kind of buyer has).
distinguish between the customer,UGG Sale, again to promote the marketing, but before that, you have to know their store location. Shops should be positioned himself in what location? Some students say I have a positioning Yeah, I sell clothes, I sell cosmetics. In fact, these are called positioning, because the positioning is really vague. Get sold on Taobao for most women, will be divided into many categories, a student, a white collar, blue collar, and so there are, their needs are not the same, as the seller, do not want to seize all customers, it is impossible , and the last are not catch. And then divided according to age, teenage girl, or is it the young twenties, 34 mature, or greater age? Then divided according to stature, sell special size, or proportion of gold to sell it? so you can follow style points, according to consumer groups, points, and so on. Various classification methods have, to be considered prior to positioning clearly in the end we must seize what types of people, only in a real customer base to determine their own future, in order to make the appropriate promotion with marketing.
in the understanding of the customer with the positioning, the following three areas to elaborate with the promotion of marketing:
supply many students have the idea to open Taobao, Taobao, or are living with the entrepreneurial dream, but reality do not know in the end what are they selling well, so first of all talk about supply problems. Individual's actual situation is different, according to their own advantage to determine the sources.
sources are generally divided into four categories: self-supply, relationship sourcing, supply and other peripheral sources.
own supply, supply relationship is more dominant in fact, these two sources is not a problem. Such as their own sources, such as using its own technology, Pu decorated with hand-drawing of the T-shirts are all advantages. Sources can also be sub-divided under the two kinds of online and offline sources. Purchase can be divided according to the number of zero inventory, small quantities and large quantities. Zero inventory is consignment, is a better way to get started, very little money for newcomers. Purchase small quantities, can go on Taobao shop to purchase larger, they have a special wholesale customer. Usually large quantities of wholesale market in Alibaba, Alibaba now gradually to the development of small quantities, can also try to do it. The purchase on the Internet easier, in fact, under the net can do, such as to the wholesale market, go to the store and so on. Find a store co-owner with getting goods on a good discount, the first photo on the web, go to the store to buy some getting goods, usually the owner will agree, because this is a way to increase sales.
2. promote
A. Free promotion
how customers find their products in hand stores to see it?
1) set of keywords is not the same
different set of goods such as shoes, in Home search Taobao shoes, a page will pop up, there are a variety of words, which is larger than Taobao users to search keywords, if you see that's relevant to, you can get over with. Thirty characters or 160 characters, do not waste, can be used on all use, to maximize the customer to search their own risk. In addition to these can also add other keywords, such as counter genuine, though not to search for opportunities, but customers will know that you see after the goods are guaranteed. Another example is the plastic underwear, adding one to wear on thin, will increase the customer's attention. The key words there are concessions, such as buy one get one ah, 包邮 ah can join.
2) pictures of goods tips
many students pictures looks good, but not easy to see why, because the pictures are not garish, customers complete words in the search after the sweep of the goods from you how much time, only to see interest will see how to allow customers to be interested in what their first name of the commodity, as long as one or two key words to attract buyers, such commodities exposure to enhance; for the picture, what is garish, such as women, most of the students using the official picture, with picture, after completing the customer is a complete search of people, there are pants with shoes and clothes, so that customers can easily ignore this Figure, the customer to buy pants in the human body, the proportion is too small. Directly to find yourself to see things look easy.
3) ranking
goods we have to look at Taobao ranking rules, with the collections, sales price, reputation, sales have a relationship, and the popularity sort fact nothing to do with the novice seller, novice can have a high collection high prestige, high sales. It should seize what was commodity prices. All know that commodity pricing is critical, given how it, in fact, anything not to be very low. Fixed price in the choice of the baby it is necessary for price-sensitive goods. What is the price-sensitive commodity, similar to the card recharge cards, brand-name products, which is price-sensitive goods. However, for T-shirts, thousands of Taobao, a wide range, it is not sensitive to commodity prices.
addition to price-sensitive commodity prices, but also can split pricing, what is the split pricing, such as selling tea in the 50g to 500g for the units to sell and to sell the unit price is not the same, but the smaller the price seems more units cheaper, more forward position.
do not use integer pricing, a 200 with 199 clothes, 199 clothing buyers will feel more than a hundred things seem, the clothes are more than 200 200 things. And positioning 199, you can also bargain with the customer to say profits are very low that even the fraction of a few pieces of money enumerated, and customers embarrassed and then counter-offer.
recommended ending 0,6,8,9 commodity prices, buyers look at these figures and the relatively high affinity, more pleasing to the eye, the other figures are based on survey, affinity is relatively low.
B. paid to promote
paid to promote the former,UGG Sale, must be considered, to know what to do to prepare, not throwing money at the family to stay and reap the profits of the. First have to know how much preparation costs, to achieve what effect, to choose according to their needs to promote ways. Before the promotion, one should pave the way to inform customers before, such as spike when doing so. (Spike usually at a loss, that is paid to do the promotion.) Second, to do service to prepare, the number of customers coming in to do the promotion will become more able to take into account the time to deal with these customers. Promotion of the mid-to keep an eye views, always concerned about sales, at any time concerned about the buyer's feedback. Promotion of the late sum up and promote the desired effect has not reached, and continue to work, did not meet, conclusion on the causes, events do not appear next to do similar problems. Finally, and most easily overlooked, is the customer relationship maintenance, because the transaction before a loss is not the single most profitable, how to ensure the promotion after leaving the customer, such as hair short hair stations, track results so you can look at customers .
1) off
Taobao Taobao customers concerned about the commission, no one will help you to do in vain. Novice buyers, sales on Taobao can not meet customer requirements, can only enhance the commission rate, but the acceptable range. Let customers know how Taobao, Taobao customers can go to forums, you can add Taobao off the Want Want Group, the group made in the hair off Taobao information, someone to help you do.
2) train
other than that, there is a major problem, and now there is a misunderstanding, a lot of people think that since we must account to promote a good position, only the first do not do the second. Train more money to the actual situation of novice seller, should pay attention to the passenger flow peak is in large stores rest. General passenger traffic in the morning 9-11 points, 2-4 points at noon, 7-9 pm, 0-2 am is the peak point. Just started to do early morning train to the seller can catch two of the passenger. Passenger traffic during this time also, a large store in order not to waste money generally do not grasp this part of the morning after a passenger, we can use this time to novice. Some students said the train should run throughout the day, the teacher does not recommend running all day, it is more expensive. In fact, two of the morning to the customer purchase intention more clearly, is to buy things to, for example, some customers just twelve Mahjong kick back, some customers are just to coax her mother finished the child was sleeping, and now have time to.
Furthermore, more refined use of keywords, such as the use of cotton T-shirt, the customer is obviously to buy this stuff from the keywords you can use.
do not need to train into the home, purchase intentions clear to customers usually turn to three to five, turn to the fifth page of the client's objectives more clearly, and can train up a few pages after this is very good.
3. marketing
Some students said the problem is the conversion rate, what is the conversion rate, the store's baby how many had seen, there are many people to buy, in addition to what, this is the conversion rate. Generally have the following ways:
1) the number of shop activities
reduce the number of full, full of many 包邮, etc., are very attractive to buyers. When a customer to pick something to kick in when the price is very high turnover rate. There is a way to set the price of activity, the preferred drug to see what price their products, such as the average price is 60 baby store, will be free gifts, they can be filled into a full seventy gifts or buy a hundred eighty five, get gifts When the customer saw a sixty-something, you can see the full seventy gifts, will then choose one to buy a thing to see if Minato gifts.
2) collection
must advise clients to collections, can be set as a favorite gifts, collectibles and other relief activities. The turnover of the Taobao Taobao five percent from the collection. When a customer collection, the client is easy to find your store, but there are new products in the shop or have events, so easy to pull the old customers.
3) Links
Links to flexible application, but not indiscriminately increase, first of all do not add themselves to sell the same product with a link, likely to cause competition, to link peripheral products, such as selling children's clothing, toys can be added , formula, crib and other peripheral products. Some of friendship and love links, you can have a commission, within a month to buy something that customers are a commission.
4) gang
recommended sellers plus about gang-related, post back in the gang can send Huitie, but not recommended for the post directly send advertising, so it is easily pulled into the blacklist, you mix a face cooked on it. When customers want to buy something when you would think.
Amoy Amoy lakes rivers and lakes there are many small game, play some suggestions about the seller, which affect the activity of the shop, shop activity will affect the store's popularity, there are a few large shops will hire a special play games. And the problem is not just popular activity, game play familiar,UGG Sale, has been noted, when someone want to buy something it is easy to think of your store, it is easy to facilitate transactions.
6) basic marketing tools
Taobao many such tools, sellers can be carried out within their own can afford you can try, such as Maijiu, with packages, etc., with a reduction in use, to choose baby together with the same style.
there such as counters, quantum statistics, the proposed installation, after all, some of the basic data stores can be seen. Based on these data again adjusted shop decoration, perfect baby descriptions.
Finally, say that we are more concerned about the consignment, in fact, relatively simple, zero cost, the truth of the sleight of hand tricks.
first find businesses interested in applying for consignment, if adopted, in the We set prices with the supplier directly to the price difference is profit. Note that the transaction after the customer orders, supplier of the specific requirements of customers can not see, and we see them in time with the supplier to confirm the baby there. And suppliers to the size of the baby are custom editing, we do not synchronized when the consignment the past, all their care to edit, amend the section should be modified to remove the information with the relevant supplier , so that supply confidential. It was also suggested to stay in mind, the conditions for some time to keep up supply Returns talk clearly. This will not cause too much to their later disputes.
4. typical problems
A. to go to work for the day, night time can access the seller, to sell what the part-time?
for part-time sellers, as in the choice of supply in accordance with their own advantages to, a relationship can supply, there is around the wholesale market, it is impossible with the Alibaba Taobao can purchase.
B. friends design their own clothes be sold, newly opened shop, why not volume?
key is not reputation, personal recommendations can be the beginning of my relatives and friends from the publicity surrounding the start, because few customers will make the first move of the people.
C. novice how to do train and limit discounts
train actually do not recommend novice, novice to do Taobao starting area is better off in general, when customers buy something, or holding in the big stores to buy more secure such a mentality. Do limit discounts, you can go to forums to post information, but do not post with the identity of the seller, it is easy to be disgusted pulled the black, posting can be the buyer's identity, indicating that they need this baby, and this quality is also very good baby, if you buy it with lower prices and so on.
D. a lot of people do the same with the distribution of a product, how to attract buyers
a little bit of tips, many people do in a similar distribution of goods, you can get pictures in their own plus a box, it will be easy to attract buyers.
us carries with ideals, dreams the wings to open Taobao, full of bright hope for the future, way out of step by step, and after two hours, Sharon end of the course, but you want Sellers are not left to grow, and in the exchange of experience, each answering questions. This is the experience of living would like to see. Taobao this road, that is hard to say that simple is not simple, but it does not pay is absolutely no gain, and a solid belief in yourself, down to earth to move forward.

