
Goose CoatsMan killed as household chores go home after their parents

After killing his parents home

actually sleep

Zhuanglang County, (Reporter correspondent Yuan to Bo Ro) due to household chores, Zhao Zhuanglang man trying to shift both parents killed. More alarming is that after killing their parents, even if nothing had happened Zhao go home to bed. November 11, reporter learned from Zhuanglang County Public Security Bureau,

According to investigators to police reports, November 7 at 11 am, in the Yongning Township,Goose Coats, Xu Wancun a Zhuanglang County community, the villagers Zhao see him take the rope in the courtyard to dry the quilt by her mother hold on to the outside of firewood, was very angry, got up and the quilt has a wonderful reflection of that hospital,Moncler UK, and therefore an altercation with his mother. Dispute, Zhao pick up a home in a push rake (a tool used burning kang), facing the mother's mouth pounding a bit, then pick up the quilt going back to the house to sleep. Angry mother Nan Yi Zhao,UGG Boots, Zhao took the head in a continuous push rake hit a few, Zhao head injuries caused by bleeding. Subsequently, the mother Zhao Zhao's uncle intended to help cook, Zhao told the uncle in front, to see her father and fellow villagers squatted on the ground Sumou car tires inflated to the shelf, Zhao Moushun hand picked up on the sand of an astonishingly head toward the back of the head punch caused his father fell to the ground. Sumou For Landang, Jue Zhao and picked up his head and wants to play, Sumou fled in panic and call for help. After Zhao Jue head in his father's head, who has hit the two, the door broke into uncle, the mother toward the back of his head hit an astonishingly, his mother immediately fell to the ground, Zhao continued to attack, causing his mother on the spot to death. Zhao went back to the door, facing the back of his father's head with astonishingly hit three times, his father also died on the spot.

It is understood that the incident the same day 11:44, local villagers quickly called the police. After receiving the report, quickly organized Zhuanglang County Public Security Bureau set up a And let the police investigators and villagers by surprise is this: after the incident, after another attack, killing his parents Zhao, even if nothing had happened and go home to sleep in bed Shuiqi. Than an hour later, police in the suspect's home Zhao success and arrested him.

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