
UGG BootsElderly people to report illegal retaliation is an area of ​​broken legs

newspaper reporter Zhang in Cangzhou exchange correspondent Qi Xing Zhi Li Yi Hodges Chunxia

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6 3, Yang Guan Zhuangcun Huanghua concern two reprisals old legs were broken case (newspaper reported April 28), has been a major breakthrough. Tableware factory village with business owners fear that Yang Yang old man reflects land use issues affecting their business, Ruchao, actually at incitement to harm neighbors. Huanghua police after two months of fighting, all five suspects have been arrested and brought to justice, and together with the Tanggu District, Tianjin cracked a long investigation and the case has not broken the injury death.

case playback is interrupted by two old man legs

April 2 this year, 19 pm, two thugs broke into the home village Huanghua Qi Yuan Yang Yang Guan Zhuangcun elderly in the village, Yang Yuan armed with sticks and are stopping by on the other an old man swatting a pass Yuan da, for beating the legs, leading to 73-year-old Yang Yuan fractured legs, raw and, unable to move. 69-year-old Yuan da leg fracture, excessive bleeding, unconscious. Two thugs then fled by car. Before and after being beaten in the elderly, Yang Yuan was also the home let two bundles of powerful firecrackers, strange fire in the same village in homes, watchdog ... ... villagers suspected of being poisoned, they are reflected in the village because of the long-term problem of illegal land suffered retaliation.

a village representatives, said Yang Guan Zhuangcun a large number of illegally occupied land, the villagers did not receive a penny subsidies. There are more than 320 village households, more than 1,400 adult population, including 220, 600 people have signed a joint reflection on the material. Yang Yuan for older knowledgeable, there is a certain prestige in the village, pushed one of the representatives for the villagers. Criminals are so rampant in the local public anger caused by the strong, while fear hanging over the small village feel insecure.

police do not break the case will not withdraw troops shock

Guanzhuang in the case of Yang Huanghua caused great concern to local police. Huanghua established by the Public Security Bureau led more than 20 task force composed of elite forces,UGG Boots, a series of detective work in full swing. Mr Zhang has just set a military order with the police investigation,

Young people involved in land disputes guanzhuang interests,UGG Boots, the police response to this clue, and the surrounding towns and villages of Yang Xiaoguanzhuang 16 to 25 years old man, the focus of each meeting between the surveys, the panel also has rushed to Tianjin , Tanggu, Shandong, Beijing and other places, to find the focus of migrant workers, a total of investigation, the investigation of key personnel 803 people, all the evidence at the scene fingerprints and fingerprint comparison. At the same time, the panel also visited by the transmission line, the transfer of video and other measures, before and after the incident suspicious and out of Yang Xiaoguanzhuang staff conducted a detailed investigation of suspicious vehicles, Cangzhou City Public Security Bureau and invited experts to Huanghua Qingdao joint detection.

detection of cases of all five suspects were arrested

after a month of hard work, the task force police in Tianjin Jinnan district to find someone through a car found a clue to identify a high (male, 16 years old, Liuhe County, Jilin Province, Liu Town victory Street, staying in Tianjin Jinnan District), Pingmou (male, 23 years old, Cangzhou City, Town, Daxing mouth Qingxian Taurus village) before and after the incident has been documented in two appeared near the hair, and the two idle, often involved in fights, a major crime suspects. Subsequently, the panel has to go to Qing County, Cangzhou, Shandong, Tianjin and other places secret surveillance. June 2, police were found in high Jinnan a Pingmou trail, the two men arrested.

after the trial, the suspect Ko, Young Pingmou of wounded old man confessed to the crime, and confessed by Zhang (male, 34 years old, town Jinnan District station), Lee (male, 38 years old, Heilongjiang Province, mayor victory Yanshou Yuhe village, now living Jinnan District station town) directs. Panel in the evening in the area will Jinnan Zhang and Li captured. After appearing in court, Zhang and Li Yang Moumou confession is subject (male, 37 years old, Huanghua home Zhen Yang Qi guanzhuang people) are employed, it assigned a high, Feng Yang old man and wounded two to Huanghua. Task force fighting the same night, early morning on June 3, will be arrested Yang Moumou home. Under questioning, the suspect Yang Moumou incitement to revenge for the elderly to spend confessed to the crime. At this point, the case detection.

truth village businessman incitement to assault

upon examination that the suspect Yang Moumou cutlery factory in the Yang Guan Zhuangcun operation, covering 30 acres, Yang Moumou Yang Yuan, who fear a reflection of the old man would affect his business. Ruchao, Yang Moumou in March 2010 with contact Lee for his Subsequently, Lee has found Zhang, Zhang then sent his men Pingmou that high of a beating or two.

4 月 2, 19 am, Lee was driving Pingmou, two to a high Xiaoguanzhuang Yang, Feng, the two old high two wounded. Later,Moncler Jackets UK, cutlery factory owner to give Lee, Zhang paid 15,000 yuan.

digging through the trial, the suspect also confessed to a high-April 13, 2010, in Tanggu District, Tianjin TEDA Hospital, a man stabbed to death the facts of the crime. At present, the suspect Yang Moumou, Zhang, Lee, Pingmou that high of a criminal detention has been the case for further proceedings.

beaten old man was discharged home treatment

Yang Qi Guan Zhuangcun home village villagers were excitedly spread the news, clapping and cheering.

Currently, the two old man was wounded have been discharged for treatment at home. Two old hospital medical expenses only reached 40,000 yuan, due to financial difficulties, Yang Yuan old man's leg is not the surgery. Old very pleased to hear this news, he said, justice for the villagers, he did not regret. Yang Xiaoguanzhuang village representatives said they would continue the illegal occupation of the village land issue to higher authorities, until the issue is resolved for all the villagers to get justice.

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