
Moncler CoatsStreet workers killed by a deputy with the students take away Mercedes ( Figure )

Li slope (left) and Luo Zhigang in court. Partner to do business correspondent Wang Xingang photo

lose money, Hebei Li Changli a street worker charged with classmates slope, will recognize the killing of a vice president of film and television companies, and stole each other's Mercedes-Benz cars. Yesterday, Li S, and its students on suspicion of robbery in the Second City Court for trial. Li Pei said, he and the deceased had economic disputes, the other man is not authentic.

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33-year-old Li slope in Hebei Province, secondary education, before the incident in a street Changli County, Hebei Province, Committee Clerks office, not imprisoned . He graduated high school classmate Luo Zhigang is.

April last year, they work together to Beijing to do business, respectively, a total of hundreds of thousands of investors to borrow money, but did not take long to lose light.

At first, they want to buy a monitor telephone equipment,Moncler Coats, Luo Zhigang said:

Li Pei said, then, Luo Zhigang asked did not know he knew bad guys. So, they agreed to rob Wang.

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slope introduced, according to Li, his understanding of Wang in 2007, a total of over a few things, gave him a very bad impression. actor, he also Meiban Cheng. and I sent him a gift of red wine and seafood.

December 9 last year, Li will be driving a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicles slope of a plot,UGG Outlet, Chaoyang Wang fool, connected to the Luo Zhigang. Luo Zhigang Wang reined in on the car's neck, Wang broke off, chase them out, took him to Le enter in, and wrapped his mouth with tape. Wang later found dead. Later, they put the body back to Wang's home, Hebei buried, and trying to sell the stolen Mercedes-Benz cars, unsuccessfully. January 29, they arrest.

yesterday, Li Pei court reflect their They begged the judge to give them a chance.

case is not in court for sentencing.

■ Features

family of the deceased, said the suspect defendants claim 104 million yuan.

During the trial, several families of silent tears. When Li Wang slope that they think the character is not good, the families of Wang's protest. When Li Pei Wang's passing description of killing, Wang's sister, could not restrain emotions, stood up and cursed Li slope, then hide his face and cried, Judge then of her comfort, hope she control their emotions, with the trial carried out smoothly.

the end of the morning of the trial, Li slope out of the courtroom by bailiffs, Wang's sister suddenly out of the seat, lift the bag while cursing want to play Li slope, his mouth kept saying he was Budehaosi. She stopped when about to stop bailiffs.

court, the Wang's family, said Wang's death, so that they bear a great sorrow, they deny that the behavior of Wang smuggling vehicles. They have suggested that the court punish the defendant for two and sentenced to death.

the reporter Pei Xiaolan

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