
Beats by Dre Studio Michael JackFirefox a Google Google software and hardware are also semiconductor

Only two years ago,Firefox is only a small browser - by thousands of programmers development ,no big companies such as Microsoft support open source software .Microsoft IE Firefox has become the biggest rival ,in the global browser market share for 15%-20%,in Europe and technology enthusiasts in a higher percentage of .
Firefox users are second only to IE second browser ,the number of users about the apple Safari 3 times .Firefox part of the attraction as a non profit organization project .In addition ,since the core code is open ,Firefox can fully stimulate the development of the creative staff .
They can enhance the function of Firefox ,such as banned from commercial website advertising ,development ,create custom browser appearance of skin .In order to obtain the success ,Mozilla is more like an investment in a start-up company ,instead of a loose cooperation organization .
The University of California School of management, Siobhan O Mahony assistant Mozilla is called the first legal nature of the open source project .The Mozilla foundation through to profit for the purpose of the Mozilla Corporation to the Firefox advertising on search companies to collect tens of millions of dollars in royalties .
By obtaining the money as Microsoft ,apple and other giants with competitive weapon ,the Mozilla foundation has at least temporarily gave up a non-profit organization of the typical behavior .
O Mahony says ,in the integration of public and private investment, the Mozilla community is a hybrid, it in the history of this field is unique .At present, many Firefox contributor to its financial success very satisfied .
The bigger question is how the Mozilla would use the money .Mozilla recently released financial report shows ,its current assets for $74000000 ,most of which are invested in mutual funds .Mozilla earned $66000000 last year ,85% of therevenue from a company - Google.
Google and Mozilla signed a royalty agreement .Despite the huge income ,but in 2006 the Mozilla foundationhas only provided for less than $100000 (according to the audited financial statements ) or $285000 (Mozilla figures ) the financial appropriation .
The same year ,it to chief executive Mitchell Baker paid $about 500000 in compensation .Baker said ,her salary is Mozilla is a mixture of another example ,also makes her influence and quite other Silicon Valley company leader compared like children ,even after rather than after the children .
Baker says ,Firefox can gain the success of the current community rather than the Google funds .She said ,Mozilla successful reason is there are a lot of interest in it ,making Mozilla independently of the single source of income is the user group diversification .
She said ,how much money can make us obtain the success ,she was referred to Microsoft ,she said ,our investment cannot exceed microsoft .The rising of Firefox was found to be 1990 time metaphaseNetscape - Microsoft browser wars continuity .
In the Microsoft controls most of the browser market ,Netscape decided to publish the code ,there are developers immediately accepted the challenge .In 2003 AOL code given to the newly established Mozilla foundation .
The Mozilla foundation in 2004 Decemberreleased the first version of the Firefox.Firefox when the target is user friendly ,run on a different operating system ,more safety .Firefox browser, and other open source projects have enjoyed an advantage is the ABM - Microsoft in any other manufacturer .
O Mahony in an email ,Firefox can obtain many different users .Not all people care about the Web standard open ,but a considerable number of contributors are concerned ,if the Firefox loss of market share ,Microsoft Web standard become lost .
Microsoft IE general manager Dean Hachamovitch points out ,the market still shows a preference for IE ,but he also admitted that ,for structural reasons ,Microsoft may not show a Firefox developer enthusiasm .
However ,on the future of Mozilla crucial is its close relationship with Google .Through royalty contract [url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-by-dre-studio-michael-jack-c-10.html]Beats by Dre Studio Michael Jack[/url]


,Google has been funded Firefox project .When a year ago Mozilla exposure, some in the industry are put forward this problem: with the Microsoft Mozilla is served in World War II, Google pawn .
Mozilla recently on the issue to a negative answer ,and said that Google also understand this point .Firefox Mozilla-Google users on the relationship of the new worry more concentrated in collaboration with Mozilla Google ,if not ,to develop its own browser or support Safari browser ,Mozilla will happen .
On the Google fate discussion shows ,Mozilla not worrying about whether is Google proxy ,but whether it is overly dependent on Google .Google spokeswoman Google-Mozilla relationship did not comment ,but she issued a statement :Mozilla is an important business partner ,because many users use Firefox to access the Google products and services .
We will continue with a number of techniques including Mozilla provider ,ensure that our users in the use of our products and services have the best experience .The Columbia Law Professor Tim Wu and other observers ,this partnership is very important .
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