
Moncler JacketsCouple of teachers to adhere to an altitude of 2,800 meters ladder primary school 19

Li Guilin to see the scene left him feeling sad: men barefoot, wearing a broken blanket; women dressed in sheep's clothing, rags; the kids back small, bare ass, naked body was strong sun shiny dark tan.

another occasion, Li Guilin climb the ladder, the cane suddenly cut off, body slide into the cliff. Fortunately, a few meters shrubs supported him, before picking up of lives. Looked Manlianshixue, scarred Li Guilin, and his wife cried.

the environment in this extremely dangerous, poor schools, teachers, husband and wife Li Guilin, Lu Jianfen silently held out for 19 years. They risk their lives every day, the mountain people with children willing ladder, lit the torch of knowledge, leading the child to the Yi on top of modern civilization, so that the county, Sichuan Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture ganluo Bridge Township, two black history Village this distance famous

1990 in the fall semester, Li Guilin Village in the two first students enrolled. Still more than 10 years of school and reading voice sounded recited.

Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen deeply moved by the dedication to stick to people across the country, but also raised the specter of the status of education in remote mountainous areas of deep thought: if another 19 years , two Village Primary School look like? The couple will be successors to the cause of it?

in Li Guilin couple moved to the tide brought us gradually retreat, our hearts are filled with the reality of genuine thinking?

[interview notes]

about the incident, Li Guilin's father was furious: seniority of the father to persuade his father, so his father reluctantly agreed.

2001, the Lu Jianfen brother and became a family business in Spain, he made himself look please Lu Jianfen children, a monthly salary 600 euros, equivalent to more than 6000 yuan. Lu Jianfen said she had started to move the heart, but seeing the eyes of the students give up the idea immediately. change does not come with money.

In Village Primary School, Li Guilin couples only 100 yuan per person per month salary, life is extremely impoverished. In particular, the first lunar month, February and March, only to eat sauerkraut soup, potato soup, simply could not get fresh vegetables.

there is a child called iron wood is cloth, his head and small, are very difficult to walk their way to school. Rainy and snowy days, Li Guilin will carry him to school.

although every day the face of steep cliffs, Caikong step there is danger, but the two never happened Village school safety incidents.

night, the villagers are reluctant to eat with a New Year's chicken hospitality Li Guilin, gave him got the best quilts, bed sheets. The villagers themselves are sleeping on the bamboo fence, covered with broken sheepskin blanket.

two Village Primary School's Poor education in remote mountainous areas of sustainable and rapid development and how to gain?

12 students each week to escort up and down the ladder, Li Guilin for younger children to be carrying forward. Tan Ji photo
the dead of night, the couple next lesson in the dim kerosene lamp. Tan Ji photo

two Village no one haircut. Children's hair long, and parents with shearing scissors cut, or scrape a knife around the head light, leaving the cook hair, known locally as Li Guilin to school, bought a barber tools, often for the students haircut.

after the bridge is winding and steep mountain road, gravel road, such as ball in general. Difficult to walk more than two hours later, the road suddenly narrowed,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], Zhou Ranbian steep mountain. Again half an hour,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], looked up the road has not only a towering wooden ladder hanging on the vertical cliff.

1995, the Li Guilin Huili County Normal School to further their studies, Lu Jianfen keep her two sons in school. One day, Lu Jianfen suddenly very ill. Two children crying called hungry, she would make carrying a 7-year-old brother, younger brother to the homes of villagers looking for food. Later, Lu Jianfen condition worsen. After the villagers know, back 50 pounds of corn, through the dangerous mountain road and ladder, to the town sold 13 dollars, for inspiring him to buy the medicine.

In fact, Li Guilin has long been thought of my heart, hope to merit Normal School, Village focus on training a few two primary schools, and give financial support to encourage them to become two Village Primary School his successor.

now, Amu to Ha grew up working in the provinces,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], often to call sympathy teacher.

Li Guilin was originally in the mountain town of Ya'an City, Hanyuan ust teach. At that time, he heard the other side of the Dadu River County ganluo Yi Village called two villages, because of high mountains steep, very tough conditions, teachers are reluctant to go. The village 10 years suspended, dolls are without schools, became a famous

2009 年 2 月 5, when Li Guilin, Lu Jianfen raised hall applause suddenly sounded happy tears dripping from their face on.

Li Guilin couple of action, moved the whole China, but moved to the Village every two folks. A wooden cow called hump day living alone with unskilled Chinese, said: Teachers worked hard day and night, adding a lot of white hair. I have such a good teacher and proud! Grow up, I have a teacher, when Li and Lu as good a teacher as a teacher.


Amu is a village in Ha famous mischievous ghosts. Registration, his parents said: Guilin couple repeatedly to mobilize parents, and trying to persuade other villagers, so Amu eventually enroll in Ha. Amu is home to the village of Ha destitute families, Lu Jianfen put Li Guilin pants piecemeal, gave him to wear,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], but also cost him a lot of relief.

At the time, Lu Jianfen is with a few months old son.

looked deserted campus, watching the villagers sincerely honest, watching the children's eyes thirst for knowledge, Li Guilin decision: to stay!

school does not have a house, not a bed. Li Guilin staying home in the village huts. Night, he lit a kerosene lamp, a worn wooden table in lesson planning, correcting homework. Xunde his nose into the dark smoke, tears rolled.

time, Li Guilin town center to the black history of the school to meet the bridge, closing time is late. Just go near the ladder, Li Guilin suddenly legs cramps, fell to the ground. He had to bend beneath the cliff, fire heating, spent a long night. The next morning, Li Guilin struggling to crawl back into school. To see his wife and children when he tells no mention of yesterday's dangerous.

After graduation, cloth iron wood is grateful for Li Guilin, said: the pig, pork, a couple of legs of wine to give Li Guilin New Year.

Li Guilin became a matter of a heart, he often kept repeating: Yi children with the knowledge to lead to civilization

At that time, Li Guilin very scared, frightened too afraid to look down. The villagers put him in the middle, to give him courage, managed to climb over five ladder.

19 years Hanlaishuwang, Li Guilin couple has taught students in 7th, 189 students were away. These two young men bid farewell to the Village's historical illiteracy, started out of the mountains.

Monday and Friday are the busiest days of the couple Li Guilin, they had to pick five students ladder. Smaller children can not find their own path, Li Guilin, carrying them up and down.

go back a child, you have to repeat the up and down twice. According to this calculation, the back five or six children, the teacher every time climbing nearly 400 meters, equivalent to one hundred storeys high.

suspended for more than 10 years, two Village there are many school-age children not enrolled, a class can not meet demand. In 1991, Li Guilin would like to recruit a class of students. So he mobilized his wife Lu Jianfen teaching at the foot with the Village to the two primary schools to support education.

1996 summer, flash floods, Li Guilin is connected students. When he had students holding a ravine when a surge of jet burst into the ditch them. Panic, Li Guilin tried my best to the students threw the shore, he was swept away by the rapids. Fortunately he was a stake and some rattan tangle, was able to escape.

abandoned 10 years of school to the new teachers

2002, the Li Guilin's son with rattan rope, accidentally tripped, resulting in Taking into account the tight course, far away, Li Guilin did not send him to the foot of the hospital, but doctors brought in local soil. Consequently, as the dislocation of the bone is not connected, the younger son's right hand has the slightest movement will be dislocated.

Since then, Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen began 19 years of quietly stick.

ladder composition is very simple: on each side of a wood, wooden cross covered with 20 cm intervals on a stick, cane tied joints. This wooden ladder leading to the two cliff Village, a total of five. Children under the age of 12 mountains, if not accompanied by an adult, and never allowed down the mountain.

Obviously, this should not be the only answer.

correspondent Zhan Xiao Li Yi minority intern climbing

now, two Ping Yi Primary School a total of 80 students, 17 of whom lived in the cliff. To climb the ladder to go to school, they all rely on Li Guilin couple pick.

recall the first time to two Village scene, Li Guilin is still in a cold sweat. Was 1990,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], the last two on the Dadu River Village must be a chain bridge. Rickety bridge body, sparsely covered with rotten wood. Pentium roaring Dadu River Bridge is, as people frightened. Where there is no wood in his hands to grasp the top of the cable, carefully move.

Li Guilin is the Yi people, the heart deeply. Village where he found two black history Amu iron bridge Ha township party secretary, said: Some too low wages, and some told to climb the ladder on the cliff and frightened, and said: of Li Guilin, said: However, he only agreed to go look at the talk.

two Village to a teacher! 10 years does not appear in the village teacher immediately boiling. Village men and women are hastily rushed to the scene.

next morning, Li Guilin, surrounded by the villagers came to the school. Only one school in the dark low cabin, an overgrown playground. Into the house, the walls have cracked, ripped through the wall, back wall collapsed, rubble everywhere. House no chairs, no blackboards.

dangerous 19 years could not bear to leave the poor children

two hospitals far away from the Village, lack of medical care. New semester, Li Guilin couple always buy from a large number of commonly used drugs Hanyuan, stored in the school. Students in a sick, taking them on in a timely manner; If students can not come to school sick, they will send the students home in the medicine.

2009 March day, the genial warmth of spring sunshine campus, playground trees on the five robust open purple flowers. Bounce the ball on the students in the playground, skipping, chasing the. Sometimes floated from the mountains of Fei Xu, landing just to the high winds will be kids, tune out the wind.

beautiful piece of paradise-like scene, have to follow Because of the

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