
MonclersSuicide girls, the police will be the final farewell message mistakenly sent to rescue

young girls determined to leave this world , winding farewell message to a friend , a police sent to the wrong results on the phone ... ... the police did not hesitate to try all kinds of ways , and finally send text messages to determine the location of the girl , she was saved over .

9 27 evening 9 pm, Liaoning Province, Dalian City Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau Shahekou police patrol Yan Fei Hou received an SMS : in life, live in the world suffer , I forgot to it, I went with my mom . This is a goodbye message ! Phone number is strange ... ... Yan fly without hesitation ,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Monclers[/url], immediately call back the past , no answer . Yanfei Li through the relevant departments to identify the owner --- Wu Hou two residential address .

Yan fly together with the community police immediately rushed to the Wu residence , they smelled the odor of gas in front of his home . Police knocked on the door , no one opening ; dial phone , no answer . Gas smell more and more concentrated , the situation is very critical ... ... police breaking home ,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Monclers[/url], saw a girl lying in bed , there has been a coma . Police shut down the gas valve , open windows and doors ventilation, the girl gradually revived. Police see two girls , cried : reasons. It turned out that the girl surnamed Wu ,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Monclers[/url], 19-year -old , her father and mother divorced and later remarried , living together with her mother Wu , they had each other. Last year ,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Monclers[/url], his mother died of illness ,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Monclers[/url], loneliness Wu then had a world-weary mood. Her suicide note written to a good friend Lin made ​​a farewell message , open the gas valve , lying in bed waiting to die slowly . Unexpectedly, send text messages , press a wrong number , sent to patrol the phone . After two police patient counseling, Wu said to live on , no folly of .

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