
UGG BootsAuto 4S shops

Open Category: business, cars, repair services, business models, to improve my sales shop fierce competition between the licensor and other causes, may be process inventory, increase cash flow, may be dealing with show car, maybe there is underwriting models, and the rebate may be forced to target pressure, there are numerous promotional reasons. In the face of price policy, 4S shops are usually constrained by the manufacturers, distributors supervision by the same brand, so there may be adjusted by soft sales, such as gift boutique, gift cards, and so additional means VIP service. But the whole business model auto 4S shops, the sale of car is only a means to obtain a long-term customers, and even can be understood as a customer acquisition vehicle sales costs. Customers with 5-year life basis, the contribution of each customer from the first three years increased rapidly. According to this model, selling the car is starting to get customers, then how promotion can not be overstated. Standing problem of the product point of view, a brand product line, there are always active in the market, some market lackluster performance in the factory did not make the corresponding flat products market policies, while giving sales target, the product The promotion is almost inevitable. In fact, most of the 4S stores will sell the profit is divided into two parts, profit margins and maintenance, in-house division of labor, but also completely separate. And I think that should be considered one. Car service throughout the process, the sale is to obtain the customer's car is just the beginning, quality and other trade negotiations as a buffer, or a disguised sales, repair and maintenance service process as a whole. In this case, infrastructure investment (Sales section), personnel costs, vehicle liquidity, investment in advertising will get customers through the formation of a calculation of the original cost, and sell cars for profit is offset by the formation of the final cost. What is the ratio of automobile manufacturers? By what? Automotive market holdings. 4S shops than what? By what? Retain customers. Therefore, in this fundamental issue, I say 4S shop, how marketing can not be overstated! 4S shops and the price advantage for manufacturers in terms of 4S shop special repair shop, that two dealers are not factory-certified car dealer, the dealer is usually a two agent or distributor at the region's total generation , he himself is no vehicle, take the car but also take the car from the 4S shop, but not as restricted by the manufacturers as the 4S, and 4S shop in itself lower than the investment, so the two dealers price lower than the 4S shop. But the price is, then, two outlets, the price may be cheaper and 4S shop prices. Two dealers at the lower price, the secondary market than the 4S shop is the more obvious advantages, the absence of any direct management of the manufacturers, so often there will be no small magnitude of price concessions there, which is the secondary market most where the characteristics of consumer concern. And two models were also sold by dealers from the 4S shop, and after-sales maintenance service is done in the 4S shop, so from the vehicle itself is concerned, no problem. However, the absence of any direct control of the manufacturers, not a system of management, and two dealers are often smaller, if the car problems, not easily solved. So in the secondary market, often some unscrupulous traders to seek profit for consumers deception phenomenon. In addition two more car dealers are changing products, are basically back to open elsewhere, it is difficult to ensure Two car dealers should note first of all do shop around, do the best you can go to 4S shop full of advice, be aware of vehicles of various configuration parameters will not be abused by unscrupulous traders with stock cars or repair car cheat. Second, we must ask whether the need for low-cost pick-stop after-sales service, if a single mention naked car, it can provide low-cost car. There is sure to ask the service vehicles, locations, and fees and so on. At the same time, we should note that in addition to vehicle prices than the price of the car itself, there are car decoration, on insurance, payment of purchase tax, license and other fees on behalf of a unified composition. The two most commonly used means dealers nude car prices reported low, but in the service charge will increase costs. Therefore, when the preferred or recommended 4S car shops. Not only the service specification and quality of service is guaranteed. 4S shops and auto manufacturers due to receipt of the strict control of it in the event of problems easily solved. Automotive consumer segments, quality and quantity of service within the next few years is undoubtedly the car to ensure that an important indicator of comfort. 4s on the generation of sub-standard fighter Super Maneuverability Super Sonic Cruise Stealth Superior Avionics for Battle Awareness and Effectiveness translated into Chinese is (literal translation). About Superior Avionics for Battle Awareness and Effectiveness, China has some translated as According to the F-22 manufacturer Lockheed - Martin's interpretation of the official documents, but also tend to be interpreted as That allow fighters to become a network-centric warfare node, fighting with other combat units to share intelligence, to more fully understand the fighter pilots their own environment. Atlas Atlas entry for more pictures What is the 4S 4S shop is a shop car sales , service, parts and information services as one of the sales shop. 4S shop is a kind of It has the appearance of a unified image, unified identity, unified management standards, only a single operating characteristics of the brand. Auto 4S shops is a prominent personality of the physical market, with a consistent and uniform channels, culture concept, 4S shop in enhancing automobile brand, the image of car manufacturers on the advantages are obvious. 4S shop is only gradually after 1998, introduced to China from Europe. Between the various manufacturers because it established a close relationship between production and sales, shopping environment with a beautiful, brand awareness and other advantages, once many domestic manufacturers to follow. Brand 4S stores will generally take a distribution in a region relatively equidistant from one or several stores, according to the manufacturer's design requirements for the construction of a unified store inside and outside the huge investment, the hundreds of millions, even tens of millions, luxurious style. 4S shop is a car sales, maintenance, accessories and information services as one of the retail shops, an investment of 25 million store in 4S set up within 5-10 years, not backward. In China, 4S stores have begun to take shape and effectiveness, but due to the relative backwardness of own-brand cars. Actually belongs to our own intellectual property auto 4S shops also need considerable progress and development. 4S shop model in recent years in China has grown rapidly. 4S shop is the auto industry auto manufacturers to meet customer demand in the service launched a business model. 4S shop's core meaning of 6S stores now have one that, in addition to including vehicle sales (Sale), parts (Spare Part), service (Service), feedback (Survey), it also includes personal selling cars (Selfhood), set shot (Sale by amount. collective auction, buyers, the more the cheaper price). 6S store rise, thanks to the network developed. Use of the Internet to develop a sales model, vehicle sales, spare parts, sales, information, feedback and general 4S stores exactly the same, the difference is personal selling cars and set shot. First explain the As the name suggests, is for the individual user's personal selling cars needs to produce cars, such as a sport utility vehicle with panoramic sunroof can enjoy cross-country at the same time enjoy the convertible's ride pleasure, do not have to buy a convertible , and confined to their small space. Of course, the price is only thirty or forty thousand dollars a car, you can also install panoramic sunroof. In addition, it is worth mentioning is that if you are too proud of the people, want to have an Audi A6, can be easily Sansishiwan market price, so then you can choose individual car, what configuration you can not add, buy with a reduced version of the Audi A6, then the price may be only half the normal price! Set film, which is the collective auction, it is easy to understand, this is a direct marketing model linked with sales, sales of larger, lower the price for the user, the price there are many benefits for dealers to reduce inventory, reduce the accumulation of funds, and can take the opportunity to increase sales. Since the sale of individual vehicles, is for the user's individual needs, the user must place an order in advance, then you can use a network of convenience, easy online ordering, order directly passed to the production workshop, assembly workshop on demand car, so that the first wife of a factory on the production of personalized car out. With this sales model, car manufacturers on demand, greatly reducing the inventory and procurement costs, according to authoritative data, the cost savings of 30%! As a result, cars are not selling personalized increase the burden on users, but greatly reduced the market price. The advantages of a 4S shop, 4S shop reputation in a series of customer complaints, opinions, claims administration system, a good impression to the owners, and ordinary alteration shop because the quality of personnel, management and other issues, is often a problem to find not responsible, each Selection Committee, blaming each other, to the owners left a very bad image. 4S shop did not previously operate automotive supplies, car owners have no choice, only converted to retail shop, 4S shop is now operating a business in this area, certainly not far away of, 4S stores will be their first choice. 2, 4S shop because only professional manufacturer for a series of models, manufacturers have a series of training and technical support, the car's performance, technical parameters, use and maintenance are very professional, so that the . And automotive supplies car dealers contact more than one model of each is not very proficient, can be Therefore, modification of some need technical support and after-sales service products, 4S shop is a great advantage. 3, service protection as competition increased, 4S shop more and more focus on business services brand building, combined with the 4S shops are backed by automobile manufacturers, so the after-sales service can be guaranteed. Especially in the automotive electronics and car audio products in the modification to change the car when the original circuit, cause trouble for the future of the service. I once saw a converted shop in a converted car Audi car audio, video and audio conversion well, the results can not be the ignition of the car, because there is no professional and technical personnel and service assurance, when the Audi car modification computer program destroyed. Some car manufacturers and even harsh provisions: automotive electronics does not allow modification, if modified, the manufacturers do not make warranty. If the 4S shop owners of modified vehicles are able to guarantee commitment to eliminate the worries of the owner, it would be an important means to attract car owners converted one store in 4S modified some of the high-tech products is the owner's choice, and also to avoid direct conversion of retail shop price competition, 4, 4S stores in human terms for owners to enjoy the true If the car still anxious for you to use the spare car, the whole process a dedicated service staff for your care, do not worry about their own to complete the entire business. The car modification shop supplies can not be achieved in these areas. Operating status of a 4S, 4S shop car car manufacturers basically become a vassal of auto 4S shops basically no words right, Automobile 4S shop to a large extent controlled by the manufacturers, the basic operations are factory for the production of services for the automotive and related products quickly and efficiently from the circulation to the hands of manufacturers to consumers, to safeguard the reputation of the manufacturer and the size of the hard work to expand sales. Form in the current market, auto dealers, as there is no power like the electrical distributors and manufacturers equal dialogue, in a relatively weak position. There is now China's auto market is also a direct result of immature auto 4S shops distortions to sales for profit, to make repairs and insurance funds as well-known phenomenon. 2, is difficult to have their own brand image as a manufacturer of 4S shop, its architectural form and store the image within and outside of the CI are in strict accordance with manufacturer's requirement decorated and furnished, the dealer's own brand image does not reflect the basic, manufacturers does not allow expression. The current local car market, a growing number of car sales companies, 4S stores in accordance with the standards they are not built for a single brand of service. They have greater strength, have their own brand image, of course, a long section of track is also very rugged. And investor awareness, education, cultural background, this largely determine the pattern and development of 4S shop, go long,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots[/url], how to get the decision by the boss. 3, basically by automobile brand automobile 4S shop to eat good or bad business conditions, 70% dependent on the operation of the brand, the brand is good it is easy to make money, easy money is not a bad brand. While the same brand 4S stores of different dealers had to rely on restaurant operators and manufacturers in the relationship a good resource on the relevant manufacturers to give more room for greater profit. Of course, the full profit model does require manufacturers greater efforts, after all you are selling a single brand of car, very restrictive. But the 4S shop of their own credibility, visibility, sales and marketing model for maintenance and other services have a great impact, these areas should also 4S shop from the manufacturers own efforts. 4, the profit is the general 4S shops are pricey and manufacturers signed a purchase and sales contracts. Means that manufacturers give the indicators must be completed, which is indeed a substantial pressure 4S shop. In particular, consumer culture in China is now the car is not a rational case to be good to survive really need spend a lot of effort. In general, 4S store sales, the more the greater the manufacturers rebate, which means you get the car lower the price. But profit is not only selling cars, in fact, 4S store model does not understand a lot of people do not know the reason, maintenance, modification, or insurance are now part of 4S shop's profitability. 5, the professional quality of personnel is not high, the team because of instability in recent years China's auto market booming, a lot of capital entered the automotive industry, leading franchised car dealerships, car supermarkets greatly saturated, excessive competition between each other, professionals lack of pan, undercut each other, resulting in more frequent flow of talent, team instability. Most of 4S shops are not well educated, car culture is not strong, the overall quality to be improved. 6, the store's business re-sales, after sales of light and beauty to install the one hand, the 2010 automobile market demand Another important reason is that manufacturers are focusing on sales and sales-related and directly related to the completion of the rebate incentives. 7 auto 4S shops operating factors can control their own limited self-control auto 4S shops operating factors is limited, difficult to reflect the differences for vehicle manufacturers for their own brand of interest reasons, the car 4S shop management model, business process, positions and others have set the standard provisions and requirements of the product price, promotion policies,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots[/url], sales area, the prices of spare parts and working hours have a tougher rules and implants. Even forms of advertising, manufacturers will find fault with, the operation makes the car more rigid 4S shop, 4S shop to leave the factory is difficult to reflect the business model. All these show that the self-controlled part of 4S shop is relatively weak, self-control price, configuration and other factors say little. However, the progress of 4S shop's progress in these years is obvious to all, after all countries in our car soon, what we need is significant progress, the formation of China's unique concept of car culture. I believe that time can be comparable to 4S store of European and American countries. 4S marketing strategy 1, to consider from a business strategic positioning, automotive supplies dealers to adjust the product structure. With the 4S shops continue to enter the automotive supplies industry, distributor of the product to gradually achieve the 2, create a professional service to enhance the core competitiveness in the automotive supplies industry (especially electronics), the service is particularly important, of course, the importance of 4S service shops do not even go into, auto 4S shops because over a broad remoteness and lack of concentration, many manufacturers because services can not only have to choose home supplies automotive dealers to do the local market, if the dealer has a number of outstanding


auto 4S shops

auto 4S shops

4S shop is a kind of . It has the appearance of a unified image, unified identity, unified management standards, only a single operating characteristics of the brand. It is a prominent personality of the physical market, with a consistent and uniform channels, culture concept, 4S shop in enhancing automobile brand, the image of car manufacturers on the advantages are obvious.

auto 4S shops

What are the advantages of 4S 4S shop shop 1, 2 aspects of credibility, professional 3, 4 service protection, human aspects of the operating status of a 4S, 4S auto shop basically become automobile manufacturers vassal 2, is difficult to have their own brand image 3, basically rely on brands to eat 4 to 5 profit is pricey, professional talent and quality, team instability 6, the store's business re-sales, installation of light and beauty sale 7 auto 4S shops operating factors can control their own limited marketing strategy 4S 4S 4S shop marketing software of 4S shop price and the number of advantages Further reading: 1

Baike card Automotive team for the 4S shop service, good pre-sale, service, which allows auto 4S shops at ease, can be used as core competencies to negotiate with the manufacturers, the product of the agent to obtain a good foundation. 3, the bigger and stronger, reduce costs, 4S shop to enter the automotive supplies industry, will choose their models to match the brand equivalent product, usually local distributors and manufacturers to purchase the product, price, of course there should be some advantage, auto supplies distributors to do this, expanding their marketing network and service, you can pre-order to expand the network of auto 4S shops selective distribution, sales go up, require manufacturers to more support, reduce procurement costs, require manufacturers to proxy the price down to the real low point, even more than they give 4S shop much lower price of the goods (because its sales have been far greater than any one store purchases 4S), in order to manufacturers willing to give the lowest, but also to the usual monthly payment into the delivery of the cash payment, the dealer to get fit for the brand 4S stores sales agent (and require exclusive), and also You can buy a single product of some other ways to reduce procurement costs, in order to obtain the sales price advantage, but also to reduce the cost of sales and management to look forward to achieve the lowest total cost, the best in this area is a large home appliance dealers, it is worth automotive supplies dealers learn. 4, from professional and positioning considerations, take the product and channel separation, 4S shops and retail stores in a certain modification period is the co-existence, but not the same as the grade and location, demand for the product are not the same, 4S shop in the high need end product, image, brand, service good product, and retail stores demand cheap modified products, effective separation of the products and channels, so that resources can be more focused, the image is more Vision, more professional staff. In order to better implement the product and channel separation, lower operating costs, based on the 4S shop can operate products with warehouse and office space, rather retail conversion can be set up in a street car wholesale shop supplies, products and be able to very good channel separation, reduce operating costs and management costs, but also to ensure that prices are not confused. 5, the car dealer business supplies products to achieve After the use of all things, In order to meet the needs of 4S shops, automotive supplies dealers to achieve the 6, in order to do business 4S shop, 4S shop automotive supplies to set up a sales department, to train a group of powerful marketing, business, and specializes in the 4S shop staff at all levels to communicate, 4S shops and retail outlets will be on an equal important position task. 7, according to the 4S shop characteristics of different stages of development, take the appropriate marketing strategy. If the 4S shop supplies into the car early, still relatively high profit vehicle, 4S shops generally to automotive supplies as a gift, then choose some of the practical, affordable, not very high grade product, and will definitely get the recognition 4S shop business, it is good cut 4S shop channel. With the increase vehicle competition, profit margin, then the business will auto 4S shops as a profit source supplies, automotive supplies dealers in the products and models to choose to match the personality and taste and has a products, in order to obtain the owner's approval, 4S shop businesses have profits, in this case, what the car owners to buy supplies, what to buy branded products, car sales consultant's recommendation played a very important role, therefore, In this case, should be taken a certain way (eg, based on their sales to give a certain amount of reward) to encourage vehicle sales consultant to help recommend products operated by dealers. 8, the use of a professional auto 4S shops selling software to solve the problem. 4S stores more competitive, in order to pursue bigger and stronger, more and more auto 4S shops large dealer group began to age,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots[/url], in the near future, it is estimated there will be auto dealership industry Suning, Gome, let the car manufacturers dependent on car dealer's sales network, 4S shop is no longer dependent on car manufacturers to survive. To achieve this goal, started to have auto dealers, hardware continues to improve, but the hardware up to a certain extent, it is difficult to break, and some visionary auto dealers began to use modern software to enhance the level. 4S software marketing software currently on the market a lot of 4S shop software is divided into two categories, one is a beauty service for vehicle maintenance software, such software on the market a lot, usually referred to as the ERP or auto 4S shops CRM. Another one is for sales management software, such software on the market very much. As the person's individual needs, sales management software more innovative, Guangzhou force Wo launched mobile sales vehicles 4S shop management system is refreshing. This system is equipped with mobile phones through the sales consultant, or IPAD Tablet PC for mobile sales,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots[/url], with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry installed both, one-stop shop, sales and customer service department to achieve real-time data sharing. Can also be off-line access, convenient car showroom sales consultants or elsewhere away from the office, ready to order. Both to enhance the brand image of the 4S shop, a sales consultant improving the efficiency, while some of the software programs that control the sales practices to address the 4S shop of professional talent is not the problem of high quality, and shorten the sales consultant training cycle, auto dealers can increase the speed shop. Currently used mobile sales management software 4S shop more and more, in addition to their pursuit of auto 4S shops on the external image of unity, but also the pursuit of auto 4S shops selling the unified management, the use of information technology to solve problems, to enhance the hardware using software most efficiently . The number of 4S shops across the country 6-7000 4S shop, Beijing has 405 or so. The number of annual increase of 1.5%. In general, auto 4S shops, there are two promotions. First, manufacturers unified marketing, this is the manufacturers respond to market competition and pressure to do to achieve the objective of the overall planning, 4S shop as long as the complement to it. There is also a 4S shop to do their own promotion, may be due to the establishment of 4S shop not long, the more remote locations, or the same brand

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