
UGG UKWorking brother took his younger brother died in debt 500 000

family members pointed out: .

in a His behavior has been a lot of people respect and support.

more than a year's time, nearly 40 days of this water director's successor, but when the workers and make sales, but also lost a third of the debt. Occasion in the most difficult, was his integrity and love of people have moved Hengyang lent a helping hand.

love action Hengyang

his first with the staff held a meeting, said he hoped to get everyone's support, we will never be less wages, after the development of big and then we return. Employee mood quickly stabilized. He put all the birthdays of all workers posted to the wall, and every employee's birthday, they always want sympathy.

In addition, Zhengxiang District Trade and Industry Bureau has also taken the initiative to the deeds of stocks available to local newspapers and television stations Hengyang. Party Secretary Zhang Wenxiong Hengyang after seeing the reports made instructions: the integrity of such stocks typically have to be good publicity.

Hengyang in the delivery room last year's conference, the organizing committee that his situation, take the initiative to provide him with a free booth. Booth was a person standing stocks, many people have taken the initiative to ask for information to see him. A political and legal unit of the department take the initiative to tell him, so they ran out of the water unit, will replace him after the water.

After this funeral a few days later, he invited more than 10 stocks in addition to creditors other than immediate relatives. He set out a detailed promissory, and re-open the IOUs, IOUs will be in front of 21 changed all their names. His solemn promise: his 11,000 yuan and 1.3 million claims. The presence of some of the creditors, said: . Some IOU is no mention of his brother, but as long as stocks have been signed by his brother, did not hesitate to re-credited to his name. He re-opened after a total of 21 IOUs.

proposal to sell water on such a brutal fact: Gui grain has passed away, and even no money for cremation, and finally water ticket from a dealer only arrived a few thousand dollars for the funeral. And there is a boss willing to pay 300,000 yuan acquisition of water, so you can just pay off the loan during the medical. The food stocks have been made very uncomfortable. A few days, he has been in torment among. A lot of things in hospital by his brother that he make arrangements for, 27 million yuan loan to call many of his brother, he'll get the money, when he was too aware of the difficulties of borrowing money. In particular, to a later stage, there is no hope in the treatment of the case, also take the initiative to lend him money. The same village with his 70-year-old Like You to have the initiative to call home, took out his savings to live frugally lend them 10,000 dollars. Later I went to Changsha treatment, as well as his brother's friend's friend sent Changsha initiative to two million to the hospital.

once a doctor has informed the parent that has Gui grain need a blood transfusion, has been home to pay quickly. Have stocks do nothing, a silence, with his father that he had put the set in Qidong county to sell the house forget. Who heard his wife could not forgive the behavior of selling the house behind her back, an argument with two men, even to the extent to divorce. Something had to give up selling the house.

2008 ice storm in Hunan once in a century, a small water Hengyang City, Hunan Province, the owner fell down, leaving more than 50 million debt. Distress when the brother living by working actively to stand up, the younger brother of 21 IOUs into its own name, and promised to pay off within three years.

Liu told reporters, after the death of the grain was Gui, she wanted to sell that water can not get home has so much money. As a working-class, $ 110,000 is not a small sum. Thought, as a friend, the debt can only be sold out. persons, private entrepreneurs have issued stocks to learn of citizens. Written proposal, said: Ten people in the news In June, he was recommended as Nearly two months, Hengyang City, nearly a million people to vote for him spontaneously, many users post, praised the play of his spirit.

but have stocks, the most important thing is still also lost his brother's debt.

At this point, he felt more pressure than ever: Like a spinning top,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], no rest.

born in the 1970s was the younger brother of University of South Guangxi COFCO is a small residential water boss, the day from the Hengyang County, West Du girlfriend back home in Hengyang City, slippery as ice , half-way out of the car accident.

this simple man, has been working away to make a living, when near the fourth decade, has made the most important decision of his life.

him to a building materials market, the dissemination of information, a boss that was his initiative to chase out of contact. , do good to sell units.

Cash became the medical expenses. The amount of water to flow into a hospital cash, money chain more and more nervous, and sometimes even to the cafeteria workers have no money to buy food.

to the hospital, he appeared in stomach pain, vomiting, fever and some symptoms may be surprising is that all the checks have not found any problems. Yet again the next day comprehensive examination, doctors found a serious problem: Gui grain of the pancreas has been broken, the situation is critical.

in the reporter's request, had stocks lifted the foot - long-suffering shoes, split between the uppers and soles, a small hole is clearly visible.

ice storm, the double whammy

morning just a new level of non-newspaper reporter Hongke

brother's death, the insurance company for compensation of $ 70,000. After getting the money, he flew back to Qidong, the seven nonagenarian Like You take the initiative to lend his brother $ 10,000 back to him. He wanted to give the elderly 100, but how old was not willing to. The remaining money, he immediately returned to the other creditors. Liu Gui creditors couples who have food during his lifetime friend,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], who had lent the family $ 110,000.

waterworks employees also have emotions, since the grain after the accident was Gui, water cash flow difficulties, the staff people unrest, several people intend to resign Water was just on the right track, because of funding drying up, even the utilities are owed, and is in a very dangerous situation, if discontinued or money dried up, the only cheap one way. And he, a monthly income of only one or two thousand migrant workers, how to pay off that large sums of money it?

medical costs are high, food was hospitalized Gui, cost a few thousand dollars a day. In order to raise medical expenses, food stocks will have friends and relatives to take over and over. He often points to close the water from the distribution of money during the day, at night went to the hospital to pay, again and again to maintain Ling Chao took a lot younger brother's life. The most difficult, he had even thought of food stocks to sell water to retail outlet.

the face of his brother's injuries, in the water working for his brother who stocks pains. His side for his brother to run around the expensive medical costs, while they have to Prior to this, he stocks is to help water main to transport water, and not too involved in daily management of water. He does not like communication, and even his brother to accompany clients to go out to eat, do not want to follow from.

That ice, if not disaster, has stocks still do his employees, and his brother Gui grain will continue to have created their own water business. They will not have the life trajectory of the intersection. However, in January 2008, a small car accident shattered the calm of their lives.

water just stabilize the occasion, immediately facing the biggest crisis: a shareholders to take away his 9 million in cash. Stocks have been unable to do anything. Fortunately, a friend informed a helping hand, providing a 13 million yuan. After struggling to survive one year, not only had a water crisis, but also slightly expanded point scale, workers expanded from nine to 14 people. And when funds slightly off, he began to take the initiative to pay the debt.

brother for an early pay off the debt, had stocks from dawn to dusk, both as an administrator, and when the porters. Under the scorching sun, he bare arm from house to house carrying bottled water up the layers of floor; wind whistling, he worked overtime cleaning equipment to ensure quality. Due to the high intensity of labor, his hands covered with thick calluses, and sometimes even the chopsticks to eat all Nabu Wen. To save money, he was alone driving a car and bottled water, from early morning till 12 o'clock at night until the evening, when most of the day sent a 910 bucket of water. Infected by his wife in the autumn sun changed his attitude, initiative to help him manage logistics services; father-in-law regardless of advanced age, rushed over to help cooking water.

commitment to simple, behind their promises, but it is unimaginable hardships.

he will replace his name all IOU

tired, he began to recall that disastrous moment.

2008 August, has ushered in a turning stocks.

But think twice, once stocks finally made up his mind: himself to take over the stall, to repay this debt.

between advance and retreat,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], he chose to play and insist

months of torment in return for despair, he stocks almost impossible to accept the cruel reality. Even worse, he Gui food was gone, leaving a huge burden: Gui grain was treated for four months and eight days before and after treatment costs shared by 43 million, of which borrowed money, 27 million yuan ; in cleaning up his possessions, he also found his brother investments and stocks when there are 27 million was also the borrower. 540,000 yuan in debt, has been home for it,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], like a pressurizing.

Zhengxiang District of Hengyang City, Li Xiangdong, Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Industry met a year ago had Gui food. One has food stocks to bottled water, Xiang-Dong Li asked him why the water a long time did not see the boss, who stocks sad to tell the truth. Li Xiangdong surprise, he told this matter Consumers Association and a co. A country by the Association Secretary-General to investigate Chiang three times, in that case is true, report the matter to the bureau. Zhengxiang District Trade and Industry Bureau has stocks that are very great, take the initiative to comfort him. In their coordination, industry and commerce, quality supervision, health supervision departments eliminates the costs associated with him 10,000 yuan.

can not accept the reality of the debt erased. Furthermore, water is the younger brother has been in operation for six or seven years, Man Manao to today, he has also been working in the water for several years, it is difficult to give up by the water.

2008 May, Gui grain was transferred to Xiangya Medical College, Second Affiliated Hospital. May 24, had died Gui grain treatment failed.

father had advanced age, living in Qidong Nong village, apparently powerless. The Big Brother house has three brothers living in Yongzhou, only to protect themselves. As for the food stocks have been working for the beginning to the water when Baochibaozhu 1000 yuan per month, only a few years rose to 1,500 yuan a month. An ordinary migrant workers, more than 50 million of debt is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

strongly disagree with his wife in the autumn sun: their own under the old and small, with not a penny of water flow of funds to maintain basic operations are extremely difficult. Take over the water, but also bear much of the debt, if the case of poor management smashed the pot, how it can be won? She persuaded her parents to call relatives also have stocks, do not take that burden.

water has stocks took the first challenge, the wife is strongly opposed. After learning that her husband took over the water, she and her husband had a big fight, and almost left him. Who stocks suffer in silence. He knows that water is to develop,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], we must rely on his wife's support.

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