
Wu Yi

Baike card

female, Han nationality, Health in November 1938, Wuhan, Hubei Province, April 1962 joined the Chinese Communist Party, to work in August 1962, Department of Beijing Institute of Petroleum Refining petroleum refining engineering graduate,[url=http://www.sale-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Sale[/b][/url], college degree, advanced engineers.


resume resume evaluation from 1956 to 1962 Northwest Institute of Technology Department of Defense, Department of Beijing Institute of Petroleum Refining petroleum refining engineering study.

Wu Yi

1962 年 至 1965 Lanzhou refinery plant technician, Office of General Political Department. 1965-1967 Ministry of Petroleum Industry Production Technology Division at the production technician. 1967-1983 Beijing Dongfang Hong refinery technician, Deputy Chief of Technology, section chief, deputy chief engineer and deputy director. 1983-1988 vice president of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company, party secretary. 1988-1991 Vice Mayor of Beijing. 1991-1993 Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic, deputy party secretary. 1993-1997 Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the party group. 1997-1998 Politburo alternate member, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the party group. 1998-2002 Politburo alternate member, State Councilor, State Council committee member. Politburo member in 2002, State Councilor, State Council committee member. In March 2003, Vice Premier. On 23 April the same year the newly formed State Council concurrently atypical pneumonia prevention and control headquarters commander. April 26 part-time Minister of Health (to April 2005). Established in February 2004, Ren Xincheng State Council AIDS Working Committee. Alternate member of 13th CPC Central, fourth, fifth, Sixteenth Central Committee,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com][b]title=Moncler Online[/b][/url], alternate member of 15th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, Sixteenth Central Committee. [1] evaluation of Wu Yi said:

Wu Yi

With a son motivated her, from bulldozers to open, to make technicians, engineers, and then as director, manager, ... ... people once admired tone, said: dry out. years later she entered the Ministry of Foreign Trade, frequently visits overseas, from morning till night, leaving no middle point gap, lunch and sometimes actually only a packet of instant noodles to eat. In the international negotiating table, Wu Yi with its wit, skill and hard-won In 1991, the Sino-US intellectual property negotiations. An opening, arrogant attitude of the Americans: Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Evans said about her: In March 2003, was elected Vice Premier Wu Yi, the near outbreak of SARS in mainland China, she once again stepped in, he served as Minister of Health, went to the front line to fight the epidemic. At this time, she took over as deputy prime minister from less than 20 days. Wu admits: Her organization, a fight against SARS, Was circulating this one folk song: team In 2008, Wu Yi, the 69-year-old body, Her indifferent, detached and calm, as her favorite phrase Yisuoyanyu Renping Sheng. [2] References 1

Wu Yi Biography



history of 100 outstanding women affected : China's Xinhua http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-01/16/content_240618.htm

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