
Monster Diddy beatsBlaise's POV-


Blaise's POV-

What?!? She broke up with him? No! She can't! Now my plan is ruined. I have to fix this. And I know how.

"Pansy, come here." I commanded, watching her instantly run over. God, she's predictable, unlike Potter. Female Potter, not her stupid brother.

"What?" She asked in her nasel voice. Man, she irrated me but she was useful. For this and other things.

"Do me a favor and go after Malfoy. But make sure Longbottom can see you." I said, standing up from my table in the Three Broomsticks and walking out. I knew her bff, he needs to man up, would run to Potter and tell her everything. She would believe him and then try and win Malfoy back away from Pansy. Little did I know that wasn't exactly gonna happen.

Neville's POV-

I grinned. Holly hadn't stopped talking since we passed Filch on our way to Hogsmead. Right now she was bouncing around as we walked to Zonkos and telling Rachael and Seamus about the time she set me on fire on accident.

"But it didn't hurt him. But it was funny watching him freak out!" She laughed along with us. I playfully nudged her.

"I thought we swore to keep that a secret." I pretended to be angry,beats by dre sale, but I was laughing, so it didn't work.

She linked her arm through mine and grabbed my hand. "Sowwy." She said in a baby voice, putting on her best puppy eyes. Sounds sappy to say but I melted.

"You're forgiven...for now."

Rachael watched us with intense eyes. It made me shift alittle. Could she guess the crush I had for Holly?

"You have a crush on me?" Holly turned and looked at me strangly.

"Heh what? I didn't say that." Could she read minds?

"Sorry, I found out that along with dreams, I can see ghosts, and I can read and possibly control minds. But I try to block minds out. It worked up until now." All of us stared at her.

Damn! Now she thinks I want her to be my girlfriend. She knows I like her! Luckily Rachael started questioning her.

I saw a blond head and then a black one. Malfoy was hanging with parkinson. He had her against the wall and she was kissing his neck. He turned and saw me.Holly doesn't need that.

"Holly," I cut in between their convo. I pulled her to the side. "You shouldn't go back to Malfoy. I just saw them, he had her against the wall and she was kissing his neck."

"No, he said he didn't like her, that he liked me." She whispered.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to go home?" i asked. I didn't want her hurting because of a prat like him.

"No, I said I'd have fun and I'm gonna have fun." She lifted her head high and marched over to Zonkos. Malfoy and Parkinson were gone.

Draco's POV-

I was walking with Milly and Nott when all of a sudden Pansy appears out of nowhere. She had grabbed my robs and pulled me against the wall with her. She was looking over my sholder at someone. I hope it wasn't Holly.

"Drakie, please take me back. I've been lonely and cold without you." She purred, starting to kiss my neck. She kept looking over my sholder, finally I turned and looked. Longbottom was standing with Finnagin and Tucker. Holly was with him. He stared right at me, then turned, saying something to Holly.

I broke her grip on me and ran down an ally. Parkinson didn't follow me. I needed to find Holly.

Holly's POV-

I walked into Zonkos and looked around. Neville hovered around dung bombs while I went towards the back. There was a mirror and a collection of hats and robes hanging.

"Holly!" I knew that voice. Would know it no matter what.

"Leave me alone, malfoy." i said, looking at him. He was out of breath and his hair was messed up. He looked so damn sexy! Too bad he broke my heart...

"What did Longbottom tell you?" He sounded desprete.

"That you were against Parkinson and she was kissing you."

"Its not what it seems like!" I turned away from him, ignoring him. "Holly,Coach Handbags! Listen to me pease!"

"Leave me alone, Draco." I vaguley remembered this from a dream in first year.

"Please, listen to me! He was lying when he told you that he saw me with Pansy. In truth, she threw herself at me, not the other way around!" He grabbed my sholders. "Holls, I swear, I would never hurt you on purpose. I love you."

However, I veered off script. "Why do you want me so badly?" I cried out. "You're Slytherin,Monster Diddy beats! I'm Gryffindor! Our houses hate each other! Why do you want me so badly and give me a reason why I should want you when I got Fred or Neville?"

He fixed me with an intense stare. "Because I love you, so different houses don't matter. And you never actually said you loved me, but I could see it. Well I'm saying it now, I love you Holly Potter, Queen of Gryffindor."

Tears sprung up in my eyes. God, I loved him too. But I was tired of being hurt. Fred was a safe choice. No chance of being hurt. I knew who I would have to pick.

"I-I'm sorry." I mumbled, before turning and running out of Zonkos. Neville, who had seen me,Moncler UK, followed.

"I have to find Fred." Then I remembered Neville. "I'm so sorry, nevermind."

He laid a hand on my arm. "Go, I understand." I smiled, hugged him hard, and ran down the street down to the Three Broomsticks.

I walked in and saw the twins hanging with Harry, Ron, Hermione,Beats By Dre, and Ginny. I walked right up to them and tapped Fred on the sholder. He turned and then stood. I didn't bother saying anything yet. I just snogged him, in fornt of everyone.

"Fred, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. He looked stunned. George had a similer look.

"Ummm yeah." He said, still looking stunned. I felt kinda guilty cause I was using him to forget Draco, but I did like Fred.

Hopefully I will forget the boy I first truelly loved. it wasn't meant to be....


Message and tell me what you think? And if anyone has any ideas.

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