
UGG Austrila Georgia Women's 130 birthday celebration of the age of 60 children ( Figure )

BEIJING, July 10 (Xinhua) Georgian authorities said a living in a remote mountain village in the old woman, believed to be the world's oldest centenarians. According to Hong Kong, She used to be farmers, responsible for picking tea leaves and corn in the fields, until retirement in 1965,UGG Austrila, when she was 85. She is now in western Georgia and a 40-year-old grandson live in their old age.

An Disha had lost birth certificate file, but she claims that she has a Soviet-era legacy of other documents, can prove the age.

Andi Sha calmly sitting in a chair, holding a wooden stick hand, interviewed by reporters through an interpreter. She did not attend school, do not speak Georgian, only know how to say Mingrelian dialect.

Charles Hervey woman Andi Sha ‧ baby.

birthday party held on Thursday, a public grandchildren and friends to send for her cakes and other dishes. Andi Sha said: She looks younger than actual age.

Georgia Registration of Persons Department spokesman Muwunishen Virgin said the woman Andi Sha ‧ Hervey check baby (Antisa Khvichava) in 八八 ○ 年 七月 八日 born just a year one hundred thirty. If it is confirmed and correct, will always break the world record oldest centenarians.

son, Mikhail said, poor mother in the line, over the past seven years most of the time in bed, but she sometimes on their own out of the house, do not help other people. An Disha Some bodily functions had been degraded, for example, contraction of the fingers, can not do the work she has always loved sewing. According to the Gerontology Research Organization data refers to the study, the world's oldest centenarians are living in France, Charles Brown, this year one hundred and fourteen years old.

she had a son, ten grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. Her son is now 70. In other words, Andi Sha was 60 that year of his birth. She said that she would have had two other children, starved to death in World War II.

