
UGG Sale Yunlong Tendering Co., Ltd. Guangxi Guangxi highway maintenance technician schools in bid r

Posted :2011-08-17
Yunlong Tendering Co., Ltd. Guangxi Guangxi highway maintenance technician schools in the annulment hearing notice marked body : According to the Guangxi Supervision Department of Finance Management Office Government Procurement financial sector [ 201,107,190,001 ] No. planned letter request, Guangxi Yunlong tendering Co., Ltd. Guangxi Highway technical schools by the commission , on August 10, 2011 on the use of competitive negotiation procurement project , according to prescribed procedures for the negotiations , are traded on the results of this procurement notice is as follows : First , procurement project Name : Guangxi Highway maintenance technician schools in the procurement item number : GXZC2011-J2-30162-YL Second, a brief description of procurement : project Name : Guangxi Highway maintenance technician schools in the item number : GXZC2011-J2-30162-YL project address : technical schools in Guangxi highway contents bid : A bid of : Ceramic wall tiles 200 × 300 of about 189 , about 208 300 × 300 glazed tiles ,UGG Sale, ceiling ceiling of about 150 such construction , the specific detailed bill of quantities and drawings . Lot B : product permeable brick of about 300 , about 300 finished grass brick , aluminum and other construction street 50 , the specific detailed bill of quantities and drawings . Contracting approach : labor and materials engineering offer ways : BOQ project quality requirements: Qualified Third, notice the media and date : China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn), Guangxi Financial Network (www.gxcz.gov. cn),UGG Sale, Notice date: August 3, 2011 Fourth, the results : in line with the project bidding supplier or substantive response to the tender documents for less than three suppliers . V. Contact matters : procurement agency Contact: Ou Ning , Pan Hong -ya Tel :0771 -2618199 -2618118 purchaser ,0771 Contact: Blue Zhengmao Tel :0771 -5612690 relevant parties disagrees with the results of the transaction , announcement in the transaction within seven working days from the date of writing to the tendering Co., Ltd. Guangxi Yunlong questioned late will not be accepted. Guangxi Yunlong Tendering Co., Ltd. August 17, 2011
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