
UGG Classic The more free the more profitable - Marketing Innovation Network Economy ( IV)

The more free the more money - Network Marketing Innovation economy (d) the contents of this article from the China Internet Association, the sea billion Wei (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd. hosted the eleventh Blue Ocean salon, Peking University, Wang Prof. founding. Recorded by the Zhao Yi, Du super modified and edited, deleted text content, heading for the trimmer are added. This article is the final one of this series, the reader and Third-party network companies pay the regular mode of existence the best Internet marketing industry 1p case industry, the network must rely on third party companies pay almost. If the network enterprise customers can not find a third party interested in this business is unlikely to make big money. Of course, network access by people to spend money to buy your content, you can make money, but requires a very specialized business and network monopoly. A core network enterprise competition problem is that competition threshold is very low, often you can engage in a pattern he can do. Therefore, planning in the network enterprise business model in which industry is more than important, companies are often faced with the problem, you can plan out a business model, it is difficult over the others. Internet companies must have a business model, making their own money to attract customers interested third parties, if you make some customers up some money to a third party interested in this, it is no use, or not profitable. Therefore, the network companies are mostly profitable marketing is 1p profit model, we must find a third party and to find ways to sell to customers: You can provide this service free of charge to your target customers, then your goal next year customers to sell, this model plan is successful. Network of third-party companies are mostly traditional business, network business to make a profit, must be linked to traditional industries. Corporate profits are often not in the network where the Internet industry inside, outside in the Internet industry, those industries, must cross to find a third party, inside the bucket in the networking industry to make money. Network economy, 1P marketing is stronger than many P's of marketing Marketing is now and business model does not distinguish between four parallel strategy, in fact, Price, and the other is essentially the difference between p, Price is income, p are all other costs, it is their fundamental differences. More P in the methodology of parallel marketing is no distinction between the nature of this difference between the two, once a distinction between the nature of differences, all p can be packaged, a package can become a cost issue. Give lower prices because the cost of space left, so to reduce costs is to reduce the price. This is why we put more marketing p theory into the root causes of 1p. Marketing is the core problem is the price, not particularly easy to sell something the money. Why do not the money, how profitable? Of course, the rest of us, these p are not unimportant, important that we make provisions for the cost of his problem, we do not have to reduce his quality, we have to increase the cost to increase the quality, we just have to lower their costs, not To reduce the overall cost of the product. We increase the cost of the product, but to reduce our own costs. 1p The emergence of the theory, as Professor Zhang Wuchang speaking, this book ten years ago, no one can write, not to say that I am more powerful, but that did not exist ten years ago this kind of environment, nature of the economy has not been transferred to the network economy, knowledge economy and information economy of nature. Today we found only 4p in marketing although in some industries also can be applied, but in many industries have not explained these phenomena, so we say out of date. Of course, marketing theory always changing with the times, and today we are talking about 1p theory, perhaps tomorrow, people talk about 0.5p theory has emerged, I do not know. So human beings in this world will do contribute, more than anyone else who is not clever. Interaction: Jianguo Blue Ocean Salon Dialogue Moderator: Professor Wang put his theory to do a more precise exposition, to see what problems we can mention to Professor Wang. Sell ​​They provide the best service to our members to reduce the spread of costs. But two problems we are now encountering the reality of our business problems, first, because third-party marketing is a new field, new areas we are not very understanding, so we feel this new force field of the control new areas such as the operating cost, we can not be estimated, although we find a third party to work together for our customer service, but the cost is expected to be high, so is there a control method. Second, we also find a lot of third parties, but there are a problem, is a third party to join them later on in our propaganda into their publicity, this will weaken our brand will also have these problems on these two issues we would like to invite the teacher to explain. Wang Jianguo: You will certainly be looking for third-party costs, you're going to try to find a third party, can be said that some third-party services in carrying your time will not increase his costs, to find such a third party is the best, he lowest asking price will be. If you make other people suffer third-party, he should not expect anything in return, who would you do? This requires you to judge this risk. Normally you go to find a third party, he gives you additional services, he does not need additional costs, such third party is the best. For example, some third-party, his production has always been idle, he does not need the marginal cost, but can add a lot of income, then you can tell he points thing. Low marginal cost of the most suitable for the development of third-party marketing companies, but also the most suitable as a third party. My theory was mentioned in the 1P a very important concept, that is, lack of resources to be called the non-marginal. Microsoft's point of view, he developed a Window2003, he only spent a cost, even if the cost of millions of units. R & D is completed, he sold one or numerous sold, the cost is the same, so once he produced the software, he can endless supply, almost no additional cost, so selling more the more it benefits. Once the software has been produced is the The so-called non-scarce is that you do not need to supply raw materials, no need for additional single production lot of input. Such products and services too much, Microsoft window2003, google's search services are this model. Once done a google this model, infinite replication of this model, a person two people are the same cost. Look at McDonald's, we can consider not selling hamburgers, he really is a set of money management models and processes, once designed, you use this model and brand management, franchise fee of millions at least, he now has 7 million more than you see how much. He is no selling, no increase in cost, neither raw materials nor coal, say in the end they are selling mode. If you want a business plan, bigger and stronger, you only have a product you can put him bigger, you can repeat the sale, it can make big money. You have to plan your business model, you have to plan out a certain kind of commodity, the supply of his repeat, repeat sale without additional costs, marginal cost is zero, such products can make a big profit. In fact the network economy are the most profitable to sell no, selling intangible assets, sale of all intangible assets of repeat, repeat production is no additional cost, which is the nature of the information economy. See our mobile phones, which cost a bunch of how much money the hard metal, 10 great, and he is now selling 4,000 yuan, 3990 yuan which is sold without - patterns, technology, brand, service ... ... Once this phone model planned out, you can follow this model to do this, it is 3990 yuan intangible benefits. Can be repeated as long as the sale of intangible assets, no additional costs repeating transactions. This product needs more strong, more will result in deflation, because the cost of starting ahead of him constantly sharing, has become ever more thin, this phenomenon even in challenging Keynesian theory. Cairns said the strong demand for the more inflation will be everywhere, that to see what product, for our lack of such a marginal non-need products, demand for more robust, the lower the price. Computers, mobile phones price is getting lower and lower, like Microsoft software, he's getting lower and lower prices, all you can repeat the cost of production without the need for additional demand for more robust product prices are lower. Even the car is the same. Mercedes-Benz is the red car 10 times the price, the Mercedes-Benz and the red flag is the same as consumption of raw materials, heavy red than he, more than consumption, then there would be 9 times the price is too? Is to sell no, because the only difference between Mercedes and the red flag is his design, craft, he is not the same process, technology, design, production process as long as a one-time investment in the future can be unlimited, so his supply is not called the marginal additional cost of these resources to be lack of non-resources. If you want to design business models, as long as you can not design products and services personnel to such things, you never expect bigger. Why are we consulting firm to do work so hard, that is, every time a company must re-engage. McKinsey Why earn so much money, he was made a mold, put the mold into which a business, he is selling this model. Boston Consulting Group, has a mode called portfolio strategy. A very simple model, is relying on this model, a company set, the endless selling his own model has its own patent nor can others. The reason why foreign consulting companies can be big, because you can repeat. So you just said, apart from a third party that we just talked about, there is to repeat the sale of intangible assets for the model, which can put him bigger. Insurance industry 1P marketing Q: Today I listened to 1p theory, harvest getting bigger, I would like to ask about the theory of 1p-kind products, but for us, then the insurance industry, the application of 1p theory, how to find a third party, third party and where the target customers? Wang Jianguo: Your party too much, how could not find it? Product regardless of philosophy is not philosophy, things that matter, are the tangible and intangible products, people who are willing to take money out to buy something call the product. How you do not call that product? That is not your idea is safe, you are selling is safe, or you can say you sell is a responsibility, the responsibility can become a commodity, security can become a commodity. Well you certainly have a third party, because all of your customers to buy insurance, he also buy something else Well, so your customers will be interested in a third party. If you can do with the insurance when the third party to help spread his message to his request to go out or spread their hands, that what can not find a third party. For example, you want to sell your products here, the men, then who is his party? All the people with him are you interested third party, you can say you do not buy insurance you are a bad person, why? Because you are responsible for your family, you die how they do. These people you can put them as a third party, you can make them masters of the family to buy insurance, is not that third party thing. Third party does not have to help you out money, he would let you buy more and increase revenue which is also called a third party. Through them you can let other people buy the insurance. Not that you do not buy insurance, dead incredible, death insurance, I would like to do. You say you die your family how to do, the state how to do, how to do your business. You are selling is a responsibility, a safe, you sell this kind of thing much better than the opening on the scary house. Some people are not afraid of death, how do you do? Therefore, this insurance is not sold to you, is your son, your grandson, your lover to buy for. Another one, you sell insurance, to see who your customers are, for example, selling high-end customers,UGG Classic, it is likely that students, your enrollment into the information resources, I can also dry the insurance enrollment, why not do A, Of course, your insurance company has certain requirements, it does not matter Ah, my good contact with the admissions unit, the list will be available to him, you give me into, not can it? Now how to sell your customers, you think, I do not know your situation, I can only tell you that here the general way of thinking, you do not expect me to put business will give you what solutions it is consultation content. I want to tell you that there is no investigation no right to speak, I am here talking about the fruit, apple to answer the question,UGG Classic, we must understand the personality of Apple, Apple can answer the question. The pursuit of perfection is worth asking: Professor Wang Hello, after listening to you talk about 1p theory, indeed feeling a lot. Our company during the transition period, to make a stupid principle to perfection, but when we put a very perfect thing to do, we have the marginal cost of expansion by increasing, this degree of how to control? Wang Jianguo: I can not answer this question. As to what extent is your balance of costs and benefits of a point, I do not know the cost of your situation, how can I answer it. Your perfect level, so that certainly is a point which he put into comparison with the recovery, you can explore the to. For example, I eat I can to find out more, I eat first or second mouth comfortable mouth, I keep eating, I stopped to eat a little, because then bite down on inflation, and expansion of the pain I stopped. If still hungry, I will continue to eat, eat that last point, about seven or eight percent eat the best, and eat on the support, and fear of obesity, and that I will control. Who is to eat 100% saturation is good? Perfect is bad, no one would do to be perfect. Extremes meet, is the perfect final cost is too high, the more perfect, more marginal cost increase. For example, I played 99 minutes, from 99-100 points, which a branch may have to spend to spend the cost of 100. If I assigned 61 points from 60, which is also the cost of one minute I could spend only 0.5. So to the back worth the candle. We have to stop where a score on it? That I cast into the 1 minute, and finally get it back just 1 minute, stop in here, if we move forward to more harm than good to step back and wasted a lot of opportunities, which is the marginal equilibrium. Stop to what point you in the end, I can not know. I have talked to you I do not understand this industry, there is no investigation no right to speak, I must know your cost structure, the structure of your income, I know what you want to stop in place. Barriers to a competitive third-party marketing needs to be flexible Q: I would like to ask a question, that is, with the third party, when, how to create some of the barriers. For example you just cited an example of a flower shop, said that there are other parties have money, then do a site on this side and express this flower together, and that for the florist, he completely lost his edge . How that made this case some of the barriers, hinder some of my colleagues this competition. Wang Jianguo: There are a variety of ways, for example, now you point of view from our daily life and production as a commodity either. First, that you have the cost advantage or competitive advantage,UGG Classic, of course, you can also use a cooperative manner. For example, American Express and I told him what I sign a contract when there is a requirement, which is possible, or with the flower has provided for you and I once signed up, how many years can no longer and the second sign. Because you are here, others have not started, of course, there will be limited, how much volume you must meet. This can be thought of a way. You just said this to specific conditions. It depends on you what kind of industry. Let me give an example of this flower shop, he can have any exclusive areas, have some monopoly power, which to him to study. Research before you can propose some specific ways, no one can not understand or when an industry survey, to propose a solution to. It into fortune-telling, and we have to analyze surveys can know the specific method of exclusive monopoly. Moderator: Due to time reasons, this salon coming to an end. China Internet Association, the sea billion Wei (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd. hosted the Blue Ocean salon, primarily for the Internet industry to promote healthy and orderly development, so that we can Jiaopengshiyou collision thinking back, we also promote cooperation will organize some activities are welcome to attend. (End)

